Parameter | TotalN, 1113 |
Male gender | 192 (17.3) |
Female | 915 (82.2) |
Prefer not to say | 6 (0.5) |
Age (yrs) | 48 (36–54) |
Years in the NHS (yrs) | 15 (5–25) |
Primary care | 105 (9.4) |
Living alone/single | 267 (24.0) |
Ethnicity—BAME | 99 (8.9) |
Children at home | 591 (53.1) |
Elderly dependent | 54 (4.9) |
Disabled dependent | 70 (6.3) |
Previous isolation | 320 (28.8) |
Direct patient contact | 688 (61.8) |
Results are presented as n (%) or median (IQR).