Figure 2.
Gene expression analysis of LSK cells and neutrophils in mice. (A) Principal component analysis of gene expression profiles of LSK cells and neutrophil samples included in their analyses. Heatmap of DEGs and most significantly enriched terms for LSK cells (B) and neutrophils (C). (D) Heatmap plot of hierarchically clustered DEGs between WT-VEH versus Jak2VF-VEH and Jak2VF-HC versus Jak2VF-VEH and the top significant enriched terms of clusters identified. Clusters 2 and 4 (in the red square) correspond to genes that are differentially expressed between Jak2VF-VEH versus WT-VEH and that change their expression when treated with HC. TF name in bold indicates that its coding gene is differentially expressed. (E) Correlation plot of DEGs from Clusters 2 and 4 and their log2-fold change expression. Genes with the highest fold change are labeled. Linear regression.