Postnatally induced heterotopia do not develop aberrant axons or myelination. (a) Confocal images of an immunolabeled coronal section from P30 mouse cortex, showing no changes in myelination (CNPase) or axonal pathfinding (NF-H) associated with a P0-induced heterotopion (NeuN; arrowheads), compared with its contralateral control region (left). (b) In contrast, neuronal heterotopia induced in utero at E15 (NeuN; arrowheads) show dramatic changes in local layer I myelin (CNPase) expression and patterning. (c) Quantifications of CNPase expression, showing no significant differences in the myelin or oligodendrocyte cell body densities (n = 6 animals) between postnatally induced heterotopia and control regions. Each point represents the P0-induced layer I heterotopion or control region from one animal, with horizontal lines and error bars denoting mean and SEM, respectively. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank nonparametric test was used to determine significance; NS, no significance. NF-H, neurofilament heavy chain. Descriptive statistics are given in Supplementary Table 1. Scale bars, 100 μm (a, b).