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. 2021 Jan 30;15(8):1326–1338. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab020

Table 1.

Cohort clinical characteristics.

General Population IBD* SI Wilcoxon test p-value
Average [%] or Count [SD] NA [n] Average [%] or Count [SD] NA [n] Average [%] or Count [SD] NA [n] General Population vs SI IBD* vs SI
Number of samples [n] 1178 - 478 - 57 - - -
Sequencing read depth [SD] 32919455 [12276237] 0 25031114 [10203888] 3 22828376 [10140543] 0 1.33E-09 0.138995323
Sex [female/male] 689/489 [58/42%] 0 285/193 [60/40%] 0 42/15 [74/26%] 0 0.022680447 0.039735647
Age at faecal sampling [SD] 45 [13.6] 0 42.9 [12.8] 0 45.2 [10.9] 0 0.968143509 0.131811149
Body mass index [SD] 25.3 [4.2] 0 25.4 [5.0] 6 26.4 [6.85] 1 0.650352121 0.630972528
Faecal calprotectin level over 200 mg/kg [n/y] 1124/48 [96/4%] 6 238/185 [56/44%] 55 32/10 [76/24%] 15 4.03E-09 0.012657476
C-reactive protein levels in mg/L divided by 5 [SD] NA 1178 1.7 [1.9] 2 1.75 [2.13] 0 NA 0.695116431
Current IBD diagnosis [CD/ IBDU/UC] NA 0 274/29/175 [57/6/37%] 0 23/1/33 [40/2/58%] 0 NA 0.005233266
Disease duration of IBD in years [SD] NA 1178 11.8 [8.8] 8 16.6 [10.4] 0 NA 0.000410007
IBD disease activity [active/ not active] NA 1178 114/358 [24/76%] 6 5/52 [9/91%] 0 NA 0.008679626
Disease location of IBD [both/ colon/ ileum] NA 1178 111/221/97 [26/51/23%] 49 14/36/2 [27/69/4%] 5 NA 0.05559574
Ever had a stoma or ileoanal pouch [n/y] NA 1178 446/32 [93/7%] 0 0/57 [0/100%] 0 NA 2.27E-71
Previous intestinal resections in IBD [n/y] NA 1178 309/169 [65/35%] 0 0/57 [0/100%] 0 NA 1.05E-20
Number of intestinal resections in IBD [SD] NA 1178 0.82 [1.6] 0 2.53 [2.28] 2 NA 1.1E-18
Ileocecal valve in situ [n/y] NA 1178 123/351 [26/74%] 4 52/3 [95/5%] 2 NA 1.53E-24
Total stools formed per 24hrs [SD] 1.4 [0.7] 47 2.65 [2.34] 0 2.56 [3.77] 0 0.001870973 0.000157164
Steroid use [n/y] [%] NA 1178 379/82 [82/18%] 17 46/6 [88/12%] 5 NA 0.257620812
Immunosuppressants use [n/y] [%] NA 1178 256/205 [56/44%] 17 37/15 [71/29%] 5 NA 0.031106634
Anti-TNFα use [n/y] NA 1178 357/121 [75/25%] 0 50/7 [88/12%] 0 NA 0.029402356
Thiopurines use [n/y] NA 1178 319/159 [67/33%] 0 51/6 [89/11%] 0 NA 0.000447962
Antidiarrhoea use [n/y] NA 1178 412/49 [89/11%] 17 49/3 [94/6%] 5 NA 0.271482266
Bile acids use [n/y] NA 1178 437/24 [95/5%] 17 49/3 [94/6%] 5 NA 0.863254283
ACE-inhibitor use [n/y] 1091/44 [96/4%] 43 455/23 [95/5%] 0 56/1 [98/2%] 0 0.412227688 0.292318977
Angiotensin II receptor antagonist use [n/y] 1101/34 [97/3%] 43 467/11 [98/2%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.825236536 0.576077019
Antihistamine use [n/y] 1066/69 [94/6%] 43 461/17 [96/4%] 0 53/4 [93/7%] 0 0.773224751 0.203838823
Antibiotics use [n/y] 1165/13 [99/1%] 0 467/11 [98/2%] 0 54/3 [95/5%] 0 0.006704643 0.185885969
Benzodiazepine derivatives use [n/y] 1107/28 [98/2%] 43 459/19 [96/4%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.62427707 0.864119807
Beta-blockers use [n/y] 1115/63 [95/5%] 0 443/35 [93/7%] 0 49/8 [86/14%] 0 0.00594789 0.0783367
Beta-sympathomimetic inhaler use [n/y] 1070/65 [94/6%] 43 463/15 [97/3%] 0 54/3 [95/5%] 0 0.882948381 0.400759801
Bisphosphonates use [n/y] 1125/10 [99/1%] 43 464/14 [97/3%] 0 53/4 [93/7%] 0 0.0000274 0.105948295
Calcium channel blocker use [n/y] 1114/21 [98/2%] 43 470/8 [98/2%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.374611026 0.334008032
Calcium use [n/y] 1164/14 [99/1%] 0 395/83 [83/17%] 0 47/10 [82/18%] 0 2.49E-18 0.973008941
Iron preparations use [n/y] 1171/7 [99/1%] 0 460/18 [96/4%] 0 51/6 [89/11%] 0 7.34E-13 0.019880859
Folic acid use [n/y] 1171/7 [99/1%] 0 444/34 [93/7%] 0 53/4 [93/7%] 0 0.000000468 0.978869397
Laxatives use [n/y] 1114/21 [99/1%] 43 447/31 [94/6%] 0 53/4 [93/7%] 0 0.007918352 0.878043045
Mesalazines use [n/y] 1129/6 [99/1%] 43 310/168 [65/35%] 0 52/5 [91/9%] 0 2.17E-10 0.0000582
Metformin use [n/y] 1162/16 [99/1%] 0 472/6 [99/1%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.185963733 0.185554342
NSAID use [n/y] 1093/42 [96/4%] 43 448/30 [94/6%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.940326774 0.40539998
Opiates use [n/y] 1122/13 [99/1%] 43 473/5 [99/1%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.118446382 0.122305559
Oral contraceptive use [n/y] 1019/116 [90/10%] 43 420/58 [88/12%] 0 56/1 [98/2%] 0 0.036135809 0.018152845
Oral steroid use [n/y] 1173/5 [99/1%] 0 384/94 [80/20%] 0 47/10 [82/18%] 0 1.05E-30 0.702312302
Antidepressants use [n/y] 1125/10 [99/1%] 43 457/21 [96/4%] 0 53/4 [93/7%] 0 0.0000274 0.375357542
Paracetamol use [n/y] 1166/12 [99/1%] 0 434/44 [91/9%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.082979844 0.14742216
Platelet aggregation inhibitor use [n/y] 1101/34 [97/3%] 43 451/27 [94/6%] 0 53/4 [93/7%] 0 0.091814089 0.676119002
Proton pump inhibitor use [n/y] 1079/99 [92/8%] 0 366/112 [77/23%] 0 37/20 [65/35%] 0 2.64E-11 0.053880957
SSRI-antidepressant use [n/y] 1106/29 [97/3%] 43 469/9 [98/2%] 0 57/0 [100/0%] 0 0.221991439 0.29657215
Statin use [n/y] 1079/56 [95/5%] 43 447/31 [94/6%] 0 54/3 [95/5%] 0 0.910998854 0.720945956
Steroid inhaler use [n/y] 1078/57 [95/5%] 43 459/19 [96/4%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.607418172 0.864119807
Steroid nose spray [n/y] 1079/56 [95/5%] 43 473/5 [99/1%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.625700166 0.122305559
Thiazide diuretic use [n/y] 1092/43 [96/4%] 43 466/12 [97/3%] 0 56/1 [98/2%] 0 0.426920135 0.726271253
Levothyroxine use [n/y] 1109/26 [98/2%] 43 468/10 [98/2%] 0 55/2 [96/4%] 0 0.553695825 0.495158799
Tricyclic antidepressant use [n/y] 1124/11 [99/1%] 43 467/11 [98/2%] 0 57/0 [100/0%] 0 0.455430863 0.247608241
Triptans use [n/y] 1115/20 [98/2%] 43 473/5 [99/1%] 0 57/0 [100/0%] 0 0.312355796 0.438298036
VitaminB12 use [n/y] 1168/10 [99/1%] 0 387/91 [81/19%] 0 44/13 [77/23%] 0 5.01E-33 0.497073848
Vitamin D use [n/y] 1164/14 [99/1%] 0 403/75 [84/16%] 0 44/13 [77/23%] 0 1.2E-27 0.171099283

Bold values indicate p-value < 0.05.

*IBD = IBD-NoRes + IBD-Res.