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. 2021 Jul 1;11(15):9958–9969. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7661


Statistical results (ANOVA) of fire effect and vegetation cover on different soil physicochemical characteristics (NEA = nitrifying enzyme activity), on the abundance and transcripts of total microbial communities and nitrifying communities (archaeal nitrifier (AOA) and bacterial nitrifier (AOB))

Variable Transformation Cover (df = 2) Fire (df = 1) Cover * fire (df = 2)
F‐value p‐value F‐value p‐value F‐value p‐value
Soil properties NEA Square root 18.236 <0.001 4.229 <0.05 0.916 0.414
Nitrate (N‐NO3 ) 0.260 0.773 0.0001 0.992 4.189 <0.05
Ammonium (N‐NH4 +) 9.661 <0.001 4.475 <0.05 2.519 0.101
Soil Water Content (SWC) 2.359 0.116 30.430 <0.001 5.160 <0.05
pH 8.198 <0.01 0.072 0.782 0.013 0.987
Total nitrogen 6.260 <0.01 0.291 0.591 0.780 0.470
Total carbon 4.369 <0.05 0.036 0.851 1.085 0.354
Total microbial abundance and activity Total archaea (16S rRNA) log 0.209 0.812 0.637 0.432 0.778 0.471
Total archaeal transcripts (16S rRNA) 2.890 0.074 0.260 0.614 2.719 0.086
Total bacteria (16S rRNA) Square root 0.535 0.592 0.008 0.929 0.767 0.476
Total bacterial transcripts (16S rRNA) Square root 4.810 <0.05 30.688 <0.001 3.778 <0.05
Total fungi (18S rRNA) 9.383 <0.001 51.514 0.476 0.236 0.792
Total fungal transcripts (18S rRNA) Square root 9.383 <0.01 51.514 <0.001 4.992 <0.01
Bacteria:Fungi ratio log 33.043 <0.001 0.316 0.579 0.589 0.563
Bacterial:Fungal transcripts ratio Boxcox transformation λ = −0.465 8.722 <0.01 72.190 <0.001 0.634 0.539
Nitrifier abundance and activity AOA 10.826 <0.001 0.288 0.596 4.190 0.059
AOA transcripts Square root 1.890 0.170 16.418 <0.001 3.841 0.068
AOB Square root 5.794 <0.01 1.799 0.083 1.920 0.170
AOA:(AOA + AOB) ratio 3.933 0.066 2.350 0.145 2.768 0.117
AOA:total Archaea ratio 3.933 0.066 1.603 0.236 1.934 0.185
AOA:Archaeal transcripts ratio 1.270 0.309 0.618 0.445 1.160 0.298
AOB:Bacterial ratio log 6.619 <0.01 1.396 0.249 1.032 0.373

The interaction between fire and vegetation cover was removed when not significant.