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. 2021 Jul 17;11(15):10098–10118. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7808


Coral life‐history groups and their defining traits. Rankings compiled from data references listed in Table A2. Growth rate is average linear extension rate, reproductive output is larval recruitment rate. Growth rate ranking computed from mean of all published values separated into bottom/middle/top third percentiles of mean (e.g., 1–33, 34–66, 67–100 percentiles); ranges = 1.1–4.0, 5.0–7.0, and 13.2–119.5 mm/year for slow, moderate, and fast growth, respectively. Interspecific aggression ranking computed from experimental results from Lang (1973) and qualitative ranking from synthesis of literature, and rankings for all other traits computed from qualitative ranking from synthesis of literature

Life‐history group Species group Colony morphology Growth rate (mm/year) Reprod. mode Reprod. output (sexual) Asexual propagation Interspecific aggression Susceptibility to bleaching Sediment rejection capacity/Sedimentation tolerance
Competitive Acropora cervicornis Large branching Fast (119.5) Spawner Low High Moderate High Low
Acropora palmata Large branching Fast (68.4) Spawner Low High Moderate High Low
(Millepora spp.) Plating and branching Fast (13.2) Spawner Moderate High High High High
Stress‐tolerant Colpophyllia natans Domed Moderate (7.0) Spawner Low Low High Moderate to low High
Pseudodiploria spp. Domed Moderate (5.7) Spawner Low Low Moderate Low High
Meandrina spp. Domed Slow (1.1) Spawner Low Low Moderate Moderate High
Montastrea cavernosa Domed Moderate (5.8) Spawner Low Low Moderate Low High
Orbicella spp. Domed Moderate (7.9) Spawner Low Moderate to low High High Moderate to high
Siderastrea spp. Domed Slow (3.7) Spawner (s. Siderea); brooder (s. Radians) Low to moderate Low Low Moderate to high High
Stephanocoenia spp. Domed Moderate (5.0) Spawner Low to moderate Low Low High High
Weedy Agaricia spp. Plating and foliose Slow (1.6) Brooder High Low Low High Moderate
Branching Porites spp. Small branching Fast (16.0) Brooder High High Low Moderate to high High
Porites astreoides Domed Slow (4.0) Brooder High Low Low High High
Madracis spp. Small branching Moderate (6.3) Brooder Moderate High Low Low High