Figure 3. Examples of image analysis.
A. Black and white image of mounted mammary gland whole mount. The image was taken using a digital camera attached to a dissecting microscope. The image was saved as .tiff and re-opened in ImageJ. Reference line (red) was drawn using the outer edge of the lymph note as reference point. One primary branch was outlined in red starting at the reference line. B. Magnified area of (A): Branch points (red dots) were counted using the multi-point function of ImageJ. C. Example of image analysis using the thresholding function of ImageJ. i. Black and white image of mammary gland area containing hyperplasia. ii. Hyperplastic area was selected using the thresholding function of Image J and highlighted in red. iii. The selected hyperplastic area is shown in black on a white background. Scale bars = 0.25 cm.