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. 2021 Jul 31;54(7):356–367. doi: 10.5483/BMBRep.2021.54.7.059

Table 1.

Methods for spheroid formation

Method How to Driving force Advantages Disadvantages
Hanging drop Make droplets of cell suspensions on a lid of tissue culture plate, the lid is flipped upside-down, and culture in a humid condition Gravitational forces and physical confinement Easy to control spheroid size A limited volume of droplets (<50 μl)
Difficulty in changing culture medium
Microwells Confine cells in physical compartments at a micrometer scale Gravitational forces and physical confinement A difficulty in harvest
Centrifugation Force cells aggregate at the bottom of a centrifuge tube Centrifugal forces Cellular damages by excessive external forces
Magnetic levitation Force magnetized cells form into spheroids Magnetic force Cytotoxicity of magnetic materials
Microencapsulation Confine cells into microcapsules Physical confinement Batch variations
Non-adherent plates Interrupt cell adhesion to the plates, make cells rather aggregate to each other Spontaneous aggregation One step spheroid formation and suspension culture
Less labor intensive
Suitable for large scale spheroid formation
Low yield and various spheroid size
Rotating wall vessels Create a microgravity environment Shear force
Spinner flasks Generate dynamic fluid shear force Shear force