Table 5.
Comparison of proposed approach with state-of-the art methods applied for HER2 scoring
Ref. | Dataset used | Methods/features | Classifiers | Accuracy |
Pitkäaho, Lehtimäki et al. | 119 core regions extracted from 81 WSIs |
Data augmentation, block-based Scoring by CNN |
CNN, AlexNet architecture | Accuracy 97.7% |
Singh and Mukundan | 1345 image patches from 52 WSIs | Intensity and colour features ULBP | Neural network classifier | Accuracy 91.1% |
Cordeiro, Ioshii et al. | 2580 patches from 86 WSIs | Image patch level and patient level scoring with colour and texture features | SVM, KNN, MLP and decision tree were compared | Best Accuracy 94.2% |
Saha and Chakraborty | 752 images cropped from 79 WSIs | Image patch-based nuclei detection and cell membrane extraction | Her2net—LSTM recurrent network | Segmentation and classification Accuracy 98.33% |
Mukundan | 4019 image patches from 52 WSIs | Characteristic curves, ULBP connectedness, entropy | Logistic regression, SVM |
Average 91% Maximum 93% |
Khameneh, Razavi et al. | 127 WSIs |
Super-pixel for tissue region extraction Colour and texture features |
Modified Unet architecture for tissue classification | Classification Accuracy 87% |
Proposed approach—transfer learning and statistical voting | 2130 training patches and 800 test patches from 40 WSIs | Image patch-based labelling using transfer learning followed by statistical mode for scoring | VGG19 Architecture followed by fully connected dense layers for 3 class |
Test data of 100 images Patch-based accuracy 93% Image-based accuracy 98% |