Fig. 1. Experimental procedures.
a Recording setup. The brain atlas figure is copied with permission from BrainInfo (1991-present), National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, The NHP image is adapted (with permission) from Rosin, B. et al. b Parkinsonian symptoms after MPTP-treatment. Upper: recording period, lower: recording and recovery periods. c The heart rate, respiration rate, and end-tidal CO2 from example sessions of propofol (upper) and ketamine (lower) procedures. The inset plots show examples of ECG and end-tidal CO2 (from time locations marked with asterisks). Green: saline baseline, blue: propofol sedation, red: ketamine sedation, cyan: propofol saline washout, orange: ketamine saline washout. d Titration process. Inset shows the average proportion of time with eyes closed. e Eye closure proportion for each stage before (normal, left) and after MPTP treatment (right). From upper to lower, each row shows the proportion of eyes closed for all durations, long and short (blink, <1 S) duration. The shaded area shows SEM. Top black horizontal bar represents a significant difference in eye closure compared with the period before time 0 (p < 0.05, two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test). The scatter and bar plots show average (over time) eye closure proportions. P-value is given in Supplementary Table 2, two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test. f, g Examples of 10 sec traces of polysomnography, LFP/SPK of Ctx/GPe during saline baseline (upper, green), propofol (center, blue), and ketamine (lower, red) and average spike waveform. h Normalization process of spectrogram and coherogram. The vertical black bar shows the frequency range for the high/low power and synchronization differences. Ctx, cortex. ECG electrocardiogram, EEG electroencephalogram, EMG electromyography, EOG electrooculography, EtCO2 end-tidal CO2, Frt frontal, GPe globus pallidus external segment, Ktm ketamine, LFP local field potential, MSC magnitude-squared coherence, NHPs nonhuman primates, Ocp occipital, Ppf propofol, Prt parietal, Sal saline, SPK spiking.