Fig. 10.
Fre8-dTom expression and Fre8 ROS in mutants of cdc42 and bem1.A and B, fluorescence microscopy of Fre8-dTom in cdc42-deficient cells induced to form germ tubes in the presence of methionine as for Figure 7. A and B are results from two independent experiments, and the bar represents 5 microns. C and D, a Δbem1/pMETBEM1 strain subjected to methionine repression as for Figure 7 shows a ≈100-fold reduction in BEM1 expression by quantitative RT-PCR (C) but no reduction in Fre8 ROS by luminol chemiluminescence (D). Results are from two independent cultures (C) and two experimental trials (D). ∗p = 0.015 as determined by two-tailed t test. The following strains were utilized: WT and cdc42 as described for Figure 7; bem1, PY63. Fre8-dTom, Fre8 to dTomato; ROS, reactive oxygen species.