Figure 5.
Pathogen aggressiveness was reduced in virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) assays. Plants containing VIGS silencing constructs (pBPMV-OA) and empty vectors (pBPMV-EV) were challenged with S. sclerotiorum strain 1980, using a cut petiole technique. Lesions were measured 1–5 days post inoculation (DPI). Data are the result of five biological replicates and three experimental repetitions. (A) Lesion development was delayed, and lesions were smaller in plants containing pBPMV-OA, while plants containing pBPMV-EV often showed girdling lesions at 96 h post inoculation (HPI). (B) Lesion size was reduced after two DPI, with an overall reduced lesion size (*p < 0.01). (C) The overall area under the disease progress curve was lower in plants containing pBPMV-OA (*p < 0.01).