Figure 5. FIGURE 5: Identification of secondary metabolite clusters in the A. pullulans NBB 7.2.1 genome with the fungal antiSMASH v.5.1.2 online tool [41, 42].
Core biosynthetic genes of three A. pullulans NBB 7.2.1 secondary metabolite clusters were upregulated in response to co-cultuvation with F. oxysporum NRRL 26381/CL57. The core biosynthetic genes (dark red colour) of cluster 5 (NRPS and polyketide synthase cluster) (A), 7 (terpene cluster) (B), and 18 (NRPS cluster) (C) were upregulated after one day of interaction with F. oxysporum NRRL 26381/CL57.