Anti-Ly6G antibody treatment reduces PMN extravasation and platelet and RBC recruitment. (A) Absolute circulating PMN counts were reduced in mice 24 h after control antibody WTor anti-Ly6G antibody injection. (B–E) Corneas were collected and immunostained 24 h after wounding. (B) PMN infiltration across the cornea (L = limbus, PL = paralimbus, PW = parawound, and WC = wound center). (C) Data on platelet extravasation at the limbus are plotted. (D) Data on extravascular RBCs at the limbus are plotted (E). Representative images of platelet (green, anti-CD41) extravasation from limbal venules (red, anti-CD31). n = 6 per group, * p ≤ 0.05 Bar = 40 µm.