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. 2021 Jul 19;12:682050. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.682050

Table 2.

Genetic and clinical data in the cohort of patients analyzed. Clinical (A) and genetic (B) features of the 15 CMT patients (16 variants) identified by NGS.

FAMID GENE HGVSc HGVSp dpSNP ID GENOTYPE PHENOTYPE MIM ACMG Clin Var ACMG AY AO Family history CMT subtype CV CV subtype Reference
882 MFN2 NM_001127660.1: c.[2258dupT] NP_001121132.1: p.(Gln754AlafsTer9) rs773371488: dupT Heterozygous 609260 5 SCV001424047 PVS1-PM1-PM2-PP3 45 7 NO 2 >45 Normal Our study
896 MPZ NM_000530.8: c.[306delA] NP_000521: p.(Asp104ThrfsTer14) rs281865125 delA Heterozygous 607791 5 SCV000928852 PVS1-PM1-PM2 45 20 NO 1 + 2 >15 Very slow Warner et al., 1996
1196 GDAP1 NM_018972.2: c.[140delA] NP_061845.2: p.(Lys47ArgfsTer3) Heterozygous 607831 5 SCV001424519 PVS1-PM1-PM2 69 57 YES 2 >45 Normal Our study
1251 SH3TC2 NM_024577.3: c.[805 + 2T > C] rs139052887 T > C Homozygous 601596 5 SCV001249582.3, SCV001388540.1 PVS1-PM2-PP3 45 20 YES 1 18 Slow Piscosquito et al., 2016
564 PMP22 NM_153321: g.dup(17)p12 Heterozygous 118220 5 SCV001424528 PS3-PM1-PM2-PP3-PP4 44 41 NO 1 <35 Slow Rautenstrauss et al., 1998
402 HSPB1 NM_001540.3: c.[570G > C] NP_001531.1: p.(Gln190His) Heterozygous 606595 4 SCV001424520 PM1-PM2-PP2-PP3 80 56 NO 2 38 Intermediate Capponi et al., 2016
1141 KIF5A NM_004984.2: c.[2868_2870delTCT] NP_004975.2: p.(Leu957del) rs575223790 del TCT Heterozygous 604187 4 SCV001424521 PM1-PM2-PM4-PP3 60 40 YES 5 40 Intermediate Our study
580 MTMR2 NM_016156.5: c.[463T > C] NP_057240.3: p.(Cys155Arg) Heterozygous 601382 4 SCV001424522 PM2-PM3-PP1-PP3-PP4 30 22 YES 2 <35 Intermediate Our study
184 KIF1A NM_001244008.2: c.[5332C > T] NP_001230937: p.(Arg1778Trp) rs765668490: C > T Heterozygous 614213 4 SCV000952011.2 PM2-PP2-PP3-PP4 67 45 NO 5 25 Slow Our study
721 AGRN NM_198576.4: c.[5851C > T] NP_940978.2: p.(Arg1951Cys) rs746117937: C > T Heterozygous 615120 3 SCV001377285.1 PM2-PP3-BP1 59 55 NO 2 >15 Very slow Our study
721 SCP2 NM_002979.5: c.[886C > T] NP_001317516.1: p.(Pro296Ser) Heterozygous 613724 3 SCV001424523 PM2-PP3 59 55 NO 2 Our study
856 DNM2 NM_001005360.2: c.[890G > A] NP_001005360.1: p.(Arg297His) rs763894364 G > A Heterozygous 6482 3 SCV000762731.1 PM2-PP2-PP3 67 NA NO 1 + 2 <35 Slow Our study
608 MED25 NM_030973.3: c.[949G > T] NP_112235.2: p.(Gly317Cys) rs1280659782 G > T Heterozygous 605589 3 SCV001424524 PM2-PP3-BP1 53 50 NO 2 <35 Intermediate Our study
962 DYNC1H1 NM_001376.4: c.[9919G > T] NP_001367.2: p.(Val3307Leu) Heterozygous 614228 3 SCV001424525 PM1-PM2-BP4 36 34 NO 1 20 Slow Our study
731 DYNC1H1 NM_001376.4: c.[6743A > G] NP_001367.2: p.(Glu2248Gly) Heterozygous 614228 3 SCV001424526 PM2-PP3 63 NA 1 <35 Slow Our study
1261 BSCL2 NM_001122955.3: c.[124C > T] NP_001116427.1: p.(Arg42Cys) rs201493373 C > T Heterozygous 600794 3 SCV001148309.4 PP2-BS1 48 42 NO 1 >15 Very slow Our study

FAM ID, Family identification; HGVSc, Nomenclature human genome variation society coding DNA; HGVSp, Nomenclature human genome variation society protein; dbSNP ID, Single nucleotide polymorphism database; ACMG, American college of medical genetics guideline; AY, Years at evaluation; AO, Age at onset; CMT subtype, Demyelinating CMT=1, Axonal CMT =2, dHMN=3, HSN=4, and Possible CMT=5; CV, Conduction velocity m/s; CV subtype, CMT subtype classification for conduction velocity; PVS1, Null variant (nonsense, frameshift, canonical ±1 or 2 splice sites, initiation codon, single or multiexon deletion) in a gene where LOF is a known mechanism of disease (pathogenic and very strong); PM1, Located in a mutational hot spot and/or critical and well-established functional domain (e.g., active site of an enzyme) without benign variation (pathogenic and moderate); PM2, Absent from controls (or at extremely low frequency if recessive) in Exome Sequencing Project, 1000 Genomes Project, or Exome Aggregation Consortium (pathogenic and moderate); PM3, For recessive disorders, detected in trans with a pathogenic variant (pathogenic and moderate); PM4, Protein length changes as a result of in-frame deletions/insertions in a non-repeat region or stop-loss variants (pathogenic and moderate); PP1, Cosegregation with disease in multiple affected family members in a gene definitively known to cause the disease (pathogenic and supporting); PP2, Missense variant in a gene that has a low rate of benign missense variation and in which missense variants are a common mechanism of disease Pathogenic and supporting); PP3, Multiple lines of computational evidence support a deleterious effect on the gene or gene product (conservation, evolutionary, splicing impact, etc.; pathogenic and supporting); PP4, Patient’s phenotype or family history is highly specific for a disease with a single genetic etiology (pathogenic and supporting); BP1, Missense variant in a gene for which primarily truncating variants are known to cause disease (benign and supporting); BP4, Multiple lines of computational evidence suggest no impact on gene or gene product (conservation, evolutionary, splicing impact, etc.; benign and supporting).