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. 2021 Aug 2;21:731. doi: 10.1186/s12879-021-06459-z

Table 2.

Univariate and multivariate analysis of factors associated with virological non suppression in CLWH on ART for a at least 6 months (N = 250)

Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Factor UOR (95% CI) P value AOR (95% CI) P value
Sex of child 0.004* 0.041*
 Male ref
 Female 2.52 1.35–4.67 2.51 1.04–6.07
Age category 0.342 0.138
 < 5 years 1.72 0.57–5.24 2.18 0.23–20.89
 5 to < 10 years 1.57 0.78 –3.17 2.84 1.01–8.05
 10 to 15 years ref ref
CD4+ Immune suppression status at study recruitment < 0.001* < 0.001*
 Severe 9.03 3.08–26.51 24.93 4.92–126.31
 Advanced 7.97 2.03–31.31 9.2 1.27–66.48
 Mild 3.65 1.35–9.9 3.75 0.91–15.4
 None ref ref
TB treatment in the past 0.122 0.006*
 No ref ref
 Yes 1.67 0.87–3.18 4.95 1.58–15.5
Current Drug 0.231 0.005*
 Efavirenz based ref ref
 Nevirapine based 1.79 0.9 – 3.52 7.93 2.26–27.86
 Second line drug 0.86 0.15–4.86 1.02 0.09–11.8
Pill count rate 0.012* 0.264
 Good adherence ref ref
 Fair adherence 0.3 0.1–0.93 0.43 0.11 – 1.69
 Poor adherence 1.93 0.92–4.03 1.65 0.54 – 5.01

*: p < 0.05