Table 1.
Characteristics of included studies
PNS vs POBA | Publication year(s) | PNS n | POBA n | Time, months | Outcomes studied | Lesion location | RC | Lesion length | Industry sponsor | Adjunct stenting |
Brancaccio1 | 2012 | 25 | 25 | 6, 12 | BR | SFA | 3-5 | Unknown | No | 14 POBA |
Dick2 | 2009 | 34 | 39 | 6, 12 | BR, ABI | SFA | 3-5 | 3-20cm | No | 10 POBA |
FAST3 | 2007 | 123 | 121 | 12 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA | 2-5 | 1-10cm | Yes | 13 POBA |
ETAP4,5 | 2013, 2015 | 119 | 127 | 6, 12, 24 | BR, TLR, ABI | Pop | 2-5 | 5-180mm | Yes | 32 POBA |
RESILIENT67 | 2009, 2012 | 134 | 72 | 6, 12, | BR, TLR | SFA + Pop | 1-3 | < 15cm | Yes | 29 POBA |
SM-018 | 2019 | 51 | 52 | 6, 12, 24 | BR, TLR | SFA + Pop | 1-3 | 4-15cm | Yes | 26 POBA |
SUPER9 | 2012 | 74 | 76 | 12 | BR, TLR | SFA | 1-6 | 5-22cm | Yes | 4 POBA |
Schillinger10,11 | 2006, 2007 | 51 | 53 | 6, 12, 24 | BR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 3-5 | >3cm | No | 17 POBA |
DCB vs POBA | Publication year(s) | DCB n | POBA n | Time, months | Outcomes studied | Lesion location | RC | Lesion length | Industry sponsor | Adjunct stenting |
BIOLUX12 | 2015 | 30 | 30 | 6, 12 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-5 | 3-20cm | Yes | 2 DCB 8 POBA |
BIOPAC13 | 2018 | 33 | 33 | 6, 12 | BR, TLR | SFA | 2-4 | 4-15cm | Yes | 13 DCB 13 POBA |
CONSEQUENT14,15 | 2017, 2018 | 78 | 75 | 6, 12 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-4 | 4-27cm | Yes | 11 DCB 14 POBA |
EffPac16 | 2019 | 85 | 86 | 6, 12 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-4 | <15cm | Yes | 13 DCB 16 POBA† |
ILLUMENATE.EU17,18 | 2017, 2018 | 222 | 72 | 6, 12, 24 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-4 | 3-20cm | Yes | 38 DCB 9 DCB† |
ILLUMENATE PK19 | 2017 | 200 | 100 | 6, 12 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-4 | 3-18cm | Yes | 12 DCB 6 POBA† |
INPACT JP20,21 | 2018, 2018 | 68 | 32 | 6, 12, 24 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-4 | 4-20 cm | Yes | 3 DCB 1 POBA† |
INPACT SFA22,23 | 2014, 2015 | 220 | 111 | 6, 12, 24 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-4 | 4-18 cm | Yes | 16 DCB 14 POBA† |
LEVANT I24 | 2014 | 31 | 24 | 6, 12, 24 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-5 | 4-15cm | Yes | 12 DCB 14 POBA |
LEVANT II25 | 2015 | 316 | 160 | 6, 12 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-4 | <15cm | Yes | 8 DCB 11 POBA† |
RANGER26,27 | 2017, 2018 | 71 | 34 | 6, 12 | BR, TLR, ABI | SFA + Pop | 2-4 | 2-15cm | Yes | 15 DCB 4 POBA |
PNS = Primary Nitinol Stenting, POBA = Uncoated balloon angioplasty, BR = Binary Restenosis, TLR=Target Lesion Revascularization, ABI = Ankle Brachial Index, RC = Rutherford Classification, SFA = Superficial Femoral Artery, Pop = Popliteal Artery
= These studies were protocoled such that randomization would occur after successful predilation and that patients who dissected during predilation would be screened out of the study.
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Dick P, Wallner H, Sabeti S, Loewe C, Mlekusch W, Lammer J, Koppensteiner R, Minar E, Schillinger M. Balloon angioplasty versus stenting with nitinol stents in intermediate length superficial femoral artery lesions. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2009 Dec 1;74(7):1090-5.
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