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. 2021 Jul 29;80(1):1946324. doi: 10.1080/22423982.2021.1946324
Author (year, journal) Setting Topic Populations’ characteristics Outcomes Main results STROBE
Carrière (2016, Health Rep) (41)
  • All provinces except Quebec

  • Retrospective

Acute care
  • First Nations people on-reserve (Gr 1)

  • First Nations people off-reserve (Gr 2)

  • Metis (Gr 3)

  • Inuit (Gr 4)

  • Non-Indigenous people (Gr 5)

  • All ages

  • F/M

Age-standardised acute care hospitalisation rates/100,000 (95% CI) Gr 1: 17,042 (16,901-17,183); Gr 2: 11,190 (11,005-11,379); Gr 3: 9535 (9360-9713); Gr 4: 13,227 (12,865-13,598); Gr 5: 6459 (6440-6479) 17/22
Firestone (2014, BMJ) (31)
  • Ontario

  • Retrospective

ED visits, Hospitalisation
  • First Nations people (Gr 1)

  • Non-First Nations people (Gr 2)

  • ≥ 18 y.o.

  • F/M

Number (%) of ED visits for acute reason (95% CI) Gr 1/Gr 2
Number (%) of ED visits for non-acute reasons (95% CI) Gr 1/Gr 2
Perception of availability of healthcare among First Nations adults (95% CI)
Hospitalisation rates
None: 50.2% (43.9-57.5)/80.1%
1: 24.7% (18.7-30.1)/13.1%
2-5: 20.7% (15.3-26.1)/6.3%
≥ 6: 4% (1.6-6.9)/0.6%
None: 54.3% (47.6-61.2)/81.2%
1: 22.4% (17.3-28.5)/12.2%
2-5: 20.4% (14.5-25.4)/6%
≥ 6: 2.9% (1-5.6)/0.6%
Excellent: 16.7% (11.4-22.1); Good: 43.3% (36.1-49.6)
Fair: 28.9% (23.3-35.2); Poor: 11.1% (7.9-15.6)
Slightly higher among the First Nations population
Kashuba (1994, C J Public Health) (42)
  • Alberta

  • Retrospective

Acute diseases
  • Blood Indian Band people (Gr 1)

  • Alberta’s population (Gr 2)

  • All ages

  • F/M

Hospital separation rate ratio for Gr 1
Patient days rate ratio for Gr 1
Age-adjusted separation rate ratio for Gr 1
Males: 2.59; Females: 2.65
Males: 2.18; Females: 2.26
Infectious and parasitic diseases: 4.09
Neoplasms: 0.32
Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases: 7.48
Diseases of blood: 2.09
Mental disorders: 6.81
Diseases of the nervous system: 3.23
Diseases of the circulatory system: 1.58
Diseases of the respiratory system: 2.92
Diseases of the digestive system: 2.43
Diseases of the genitourinary system: 1.66
Diseases of the skin: 5.16
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: 1.88
Conditions originating in the perinatal period: 1.14
Injury and poisoning: 2.79
Kendall (2016, Harm Reduct J) (43)
  • Ontario

  • Retrospective

ED visits,
Hospitalisation for people who use drugs
  • Indigenous people (Gr 1)

  • Ottawa’s population (Gr 2)

  • ≥ 16 y.o.

  • F/M

Risk ratio for Gr 1 to have ≥ 2 ED visits (95% CI)
Risk ratio for Gr 1 to have ≥ 1 hospitalisation (95% CI)
1.58 (0.98-2.55)
2.39 (95% CI 1.38-4.13)
Khan (2008, Crit Care Med) (119)
  • British Columbia

  • Retrospective

Critical diseases
Hospitalisation, ICU admissions
  • First Nations people (Gr 1)

  • European descent people (Gr 2)

  • ≥ 18 y.o.

  • F/M

Median hospital length of stay (days)
ICU median length of stay (days)
ICU mortality, % (95% CI)
Adjusted OR for hospital mortality (95% CI)
Gr 1: 16; Gr 2: 16
Gr 1: 5.7; Gr 2: 8.3
Gr 1: 22.2 (17.4-27.0); Gr 2: 19.0 (18.0-20.1)
Gr 1: 1.24 (1.21-1.29)
Kliewer (2002, CCM and Manitoba Health) (44)
  • Manitoba

  • Retrospective

  • Metis people (Gr 1)

  • Manitoba’s general population (Gr 2)

    >15 y.o.

  • F/M

Age-standardised hospitalisation rates/1000 Gr 1, males: 293.4; Gr 1, females: 454.2
Gr 2, males: 228.6; Gr 2, females: 301.9
Lafond (2016, J Eval Clin Pract) (104)
  • Saskatchewan

  • Retrospective

ED visits, Hospitalisation
  • First Nations people (Gr 1) (n = 203)

  • Non-First Nations people (Gr 2) (n = 200)

  • All ages

  • F/M

Emergency department admissions
Adjusted mean length of stay (days) (p=0.064)
Delay in discharge for Gr 1
Gr 1: 82.8%; Gr 2: 92.5%
Gr 1: 12.01; Gr 2: 9.05
17.7% (Delays were related to transportation, bed availability, lack of medical equipment in the community and lack of family support)
Laupland (2006, J Crit Care) (45)
  • Alberta

  • Prospective

Critical illnesses
ICU admission
  • Indigenous people (Gr 1)

  • Non-Indigenous people (Gr 2)

  • ≥ 18 y.o.

  • F/M

Annual incidence of critical illness/100,000
Annual incidence of critical illness rate ratio (95% CI; p)
Odds ratio for in-hospital death for Status-Aboriginals (95% CI; p)
Median ICU length of stay (p = 0.9)
Overall median length of hospital stay (p <0.1)
Gr 1: 620.6; Gr 2: 302.6
2.1 (1.78-2.35; p < 0.001)
1.40 (0.88-2.23; p = 0.15)
Gr 1: 1.8 days; Gr 2: 1.9 days
Gr 1: 9 days; Gr 2: 11 days
Martens (2005, C J Public Health) (46)
  • Manitoba

  • Retrospective

  • First Nations people (Gr 1)

  • Manitoba’s general population (Gr 2)

  • All ages

  • F/M

Overall hospitalisation rate per person (p <0.05)
Premature mortality rate/1000 (p<0.05)
Overall hospital days of care per person (p<0.05)
Gr 1: 0.35; Gr 2: 0.16
Gr 1: 6.61; Gr 2: 3.30
Gr 1: 1.75; Gr 2: 1.05
Martens (2010, MCHP) (47)
  • Manitoba

  • Retrospective

  • Metis people (Gr 1)

  • Manitoba’s general population (Gr 2)

  • All ages

  • F/M

Total mortality rates/1000
Premature mortality rates/1000
Hospital separation rates/1000
Gr 1: 9.7; Gr 2: 8.4 (RR for Gr 1 = 1.15)
Gr 1: 4.0; Gr 2: 3.3 (RR for Gr 1 = 1.21)
Gr 1: 194; Gr 2: 154
Rivers (2013, J Adolescent Health) (19)
  • British Columbia

  • Prospective

Health care access
  • Marginalised young men (22% were Indigenous people)

  • 19-25 y.o.

  • Male

Perception of health care
Access to health care
Most youth had positive experiences with nurses and doctors. They preferred immediate access services (emergency room, clinics). Most youth avoided care until their problem couldn’t be ignored.
Marginalised young men were more likely to have accessed emergency room.
Shah (2003, Am J Public Health) (48)
  • Ontario

  • Retrospective

Hospital admissions for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions (ACSC)
  • Indigenous people (Gr 1)

  • Ontario’s general population (Gr 2)

  • All ages

  • F/M

Risk ratio for admission for ACSC
Risk ratio for utilisation of specialist procedures
Risk ratio for utilisation of acute care for insensitive conditions
Gr 1: 2.54 (p <0.001)
Gr 1: 0.64 (p <0.001)
Gr 1: 1.39 (p <0.001)
Stergiopoulos (2016, Psychiatr Serv) (26)
  • British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick

  • Retrospective

ED visits
  • Indigenous people (Gr 1)

  • White people (Gr 2)

  • Black people (Gr 3)

  • Adults

  • F/M

Unmet need for health care
Adjusted RR for ED visits for Gr 1 (95% CI; p)
Adjusted RR for hospital days for Gr 1 (95% CI; p)
Gr 1: 52%; Gr 2: 50%; Gr 3: 32%
0.85 (0.71-1.01; p = 0.07)
0.91 (0.64-1.29; 0.60)
Waldram (1991, Artic Med Res) (27)
  • Saskatchewan

  • Prospective

ED visits
  • Indigenous people (Gr 1)

  • Non-Indigenous people (Gr 2)

  • All ages

  • F/M

Time from onset of symptoms to contact with a physician (not statistically significant)
% of patients who visited an ED in the past year (not statistically significant)
Gr 1: 3.8 days
Gr 2 5.0 days
Gr 1: 51%
Gr 2: 47.6%
Wen (1996, Ethnic Health) (100)
  • Ontario

  • Retrospective

ED visits
  • Indigenous people (Gr 1)

  • Ontario’s general population (Gr 2)

  • 16-64 y.o.

  • F/M

% of people who had an ED visits in the past year
Odds ratio for Gr 1 to visit the ED (95% CI)
Gr 1: 32.2%; Gr 2: 22.6%
1.39 (1.00-1.94)