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. 2021 Aug 3;16(8):e0255579. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255579

Table 3. Changes in network selections.

Simulation Settings Technique Sensitivity Specificity # Selected Filtering+SCCA Run time (min)
Signal Strength Total # Features
Weak 45305 No Filter 0.32 0.993 x = 203, g = 103 31.7
Weak 45305 SuMO-Fil 0.80 0.996 x = 118, g = 100 14.4 + 28.8
Weak 45305 Low Means 0.04 0.995 x = 118, g = 94 <0.1 + 35.7
Weak 45305 Low Variance 0.20 0.994 x = 194, g = 95 0.3 + 39.2
Moderate 45305 No Filter 0.92 0.991 x = 237, g = 215 30.9
Moderate 45305 SuMO-Fil 0.92 0.992 x = 188, g = 190 15.1 + 31.1
Moderate 45305 Low Means 0.92 0.991 x = 219, g = 199 <0.1 + 33.9
Moderate 45305 Low Variance 0 0.989 x = 293, g = 226 0.2 + 37.2
Strong 45305 No Filter 1 0.972 x = 706, g = 576 32.3
Strong 45305 SuMO-Fil 1 0.980 x = 499, g = 409 15.8 + 21.8
Strong 45305 Low Means 1 0.973 x = 676, g = 551 0.1 + 38.7
Strong 45305 Low Variance 0 0.898 x = 2576, g = 2036 0.2 + 40.6
Weak 25305 No Filter 0 0.996 x = 72, g = 42 17.8
Weak 25305 SuMO-Fil 0 0.996 x = 62, g = 50 4.3 + 13.4
Weak 25305 Low Means 0 0.995 x = 70, g = 52 <0.1 + 15.6
Weak 25305 Low Variance 0 0.995 x = 72, g = 56 <0.1 + 16.0
Moderate 25305 No Filter 1 0.993 x = 114, g = 93 16.6
Moderate 25305 SuMO-Fil 0.96 0.994 x = 96, g = 74 4.3 + 13.0
Moderate 25305 Low Means 0.96 0.994 x = 107, g = 90 <0.1 + 15.7
Moderate 25305 Low Variance 0 0.967 x = 504, g = 336 <0.1 + 16.3
Strong 25305 No Filter 1 0.977 x = 356, g = 254 17.0
Strong 25305 SuMO-Fil 1 0.992 x = 117, g = 99 4.3 + 9.2
Strong 25305 Low Means 1 0.978 x = 329, g = 241 <0.1 + 16.1
Strong 25305 Low Variance 0 0.979 x = 315, g = 215 <0.1 + 16.4
Weak 15305 No Filter 0 0.996 x = 17, g = 19 6.5
Weak 15305 SuMO-Fil 0 0.997 x = 14, g = 17 0.7 + 5.0
Weak 15305 Low Means 0 0.997 x = 17, g = 18 <0.1 + 6.1
Weak 15305 Low Variance 0 0.997 x = 17, g = 18 <0.1 + 6.0
Moderate 15305 No Filter 0.920 0.999 x = 14, g = 23 6.6
Moderate 15305 SuMO-Fil 1 0.987 x = 64, g = 78 0.7 + 4.5
Moderate 15305 Low Means 0.92 0.981 x = 84, g = 107 <0.1 + 6.0
Moderate 15305 Low Variance 0.04 0.954 x = 242, g = 238 <0.1 + 6.2
Strong 15305 No Filter 0 0.997 x = 15, g = 19 6.7
Strong 15305 SuMO-Fil 0.720 1 x = 10, g = 9 0.7 + 3.6
Strong 15305 Low Means 0 0.998 x = 14, g = 12 <0.1 + 6.2
Strong 15305 Low Variance 0 0.861 x = 722, g = 709 <0.1 + 6.0

The median network results after applying supervised SCCA [15] to 5 simulations under each simulation setting. Supervised SCCA was applied to the simulations before filtering and after filtering based on SuMO-Fil, low means, and low variance. Under the simulations with 45305 total features, SuMO-Fil at minimum maintained sensitivity (while improving sensitivity under weak signal strength) and increased specificity by reducing the amount of noise in the network selections. SuMO-Fil also maintained or increased specificity under simulations with 25305 total features, although sensitivity was decreased under both SuMO-Fil and low mean filters with moderate signal strength. SuMO-Fil maintained or increased sensitivity under simulations with 15305 total features, although specificity was decreased under moderate network signal. Filtering based on low variance often decreased sensitivity to 0 while drastically increasing the number of noise selected and increasing run times. Performing supervised SCCA after SuMO-Fil produced the shortest run times under most simulation settings.