Domoic acid-exposed larvae (6 dpf) are less responsive and preferentially perform LLC startles compared with controls when given auditory/vibrational stimuli. A, Distribution of fish that did one of 3 behaviors: (1) no response, (2) LLC startle, or (3) SLC startle for each stimulus intensity. Only the first of the replicate stimuli were graphed so that each fish is represented once. Individual points represent single fish that performed each behavior. Large black dots represent the proportion of the population that performed one of the 3 behaviors within a given stimulus intensity. Asterisks in the no response column represent statistically significant differences in responsiveness in DomA-exposed fish relative to controls within each stimulus intensity. Asterisks in the SLC column represent statistically significant differences in the performance of SLC rather than LLCs in DomA-exposed fish relative to controls within each stimulus intensity. Significance was determined using mixed effects logistic regression. *p < .05, *** p < .001. B, Relative Startle Bias Index was calculated for all fish that were responsive. Individual fish were provided with 4–7 replicate stimuli within a given stimulus intensity. Bias per individual was calculated as the (frequency of SLC—frequency of LLC)/total responses. +1 represents the value in which all responses were SLC-type startles and −1 represents the value in which all were LLC-type startles. Mean behavioral biases for a treatment group per stimulus intensity were graphed. Asterisks indicate statistical significance in performing SLC startles (vs. LLC startles). C, Domoic acid-treated larvae were also classified by myelin category (0–3) in a subset of the experiments (subset of fish graphed in Figure 1B). Startle bias per myelin phenotype was plotted. Abbreviations: DomA, domoic acid; LLC, long-latency c; SLC, short-latency c.