Figure 4.
Silencing CaHSFA5 Decreases Thermotolerance in Pepper Plants but does not Affect Resistance to RSI. A, Diagram of the fragments in the coding sequence (CDS) or 3ʹ-untranslated region (UTR) of CaHSFA5 used for VIGS (TRV:CaHSFA5-CDS and TRV:CaHSFA5-3ʹUTR). B and C, CaHSFA5 silencing lowers basal and acquired thermotolerance of pepper plants (24 plants were calculated for mortality). D, CaHSFA5 silencing decreases Fv/Fm of pepper leaves upon HTS. E, CaHSFA5 silencing decreases △F/Fm of pepper leaves upon HTS. F, CaHSFA5 silencing does not affect the resistance of pepper plants to RSI. G, CaHSFA5 silencing does not affect the disease index values of pepper plants upon RSI (24 plants were calculated). H, Successful silencing of CaHSFA5 and overexpression of CaNAC2c. I, CaHSFA5 silencing significantly decreases the expression of thermotolerance-related genes CaHSP24 and CaHSP70 in pepper plants. J, HR-like cell death induced by CaNAC2c-TO at room temperature is not influenced by the silencing of CaHSFA5, and CaNAC2c-TO does not induce cell death at 37°C. K, CaHSFA5 does not affect the induction of CaDEF1 expression by CaNAC2c. In A and F, the images were digitally extracted. Data presented are means ± standard error of four replicates. In C, the data were counted based on 24 pepper plants. In C, E, G, H, I, and K, data presented are means ± standard error (SE) of four replicates, different capital letters indicate significant differences among means (P < 0.01), as calculated with Fisher’s protected LSD test.