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. 2021 Mar-Apr;47(2):e20200119. doi: 10.36416/1806-3756/e20200119

Table 1. Description of variables and sources of information related to tuberculosis in Brazil.

Variable Numerator Denominator Unit Source
Magnitude of tuberculosis (2006-2015)
TB prevalence Current number of TB cases Resident population in the same location and year Cases/100,000 population 1 , 11
PTB prevalence Current number of cases of PTB Resident population in the same location and year Cases/100,000 population 10 , 11
TB incidence Total new cases of TB (all forms) in a given period, location, and year Resident population in the same location and year Cases/100,000 population 1
Smear-positive PTB incidence Total new cases of smear-positive PTB in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Cases/100,000 population 1
TB-related mortality Number of deaths due to TB in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Deaths/100,000 population 1 for 2006-2014
32 for 2015
Indicators of TB control (2006-2015)
First SSM positive Total number of first SSMs that were positive in a given location and year Number of cases of PTB or PTB+EPTB in the same location and year % 11
SSM in the 2nd month Number of SSMs performed by the end of the 2nd month of treatment in a given location and year Number of first SSMs that were positive in the same location and year % 11
SSM in the 6th month Number of SSMs performed by the end of the 6th month of treatment in a given location and year Number of first SSMs that were positive in the same location and year % 11
Patients in DOT Number of TB cases in which DOT was used in a given location and year Number of TB cases in the same location and year % 11
Retreatment after relapse or treatment abandonment Number of cases of relapse or treatment abandonment reported in a given location and year Number of TB cases reported in the same location and year % 11
Sputum culture in patients previously treated for TB Number of previously treated cases of TB (relapse or readmission after treatment abandonment) submitted to sputum culture in a given location and year Number of previously treated cases of TB in the same location and year % 11
Treatment abandonment Number of cases closed due to treatment abandonment in a given location and year Number of cases closed in the same location and year % 11
Health care indicators (2008-2015)
BCG vaccine coverage Number of BCG vaccinations in children < 1 year of age in a given location and year Resident population < 1 year of age in the same location and year % 14
Density of physicians Number of physicians registered with the CNES in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Physicians/10,000 population 15 , 11
Density of nurses Number of nurses registered with the CNES in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Nurses/10,000 population 15 , 11
Density of pharmacists Number of pharmacists registered with the CNES in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Pharmacists/10,000 population 15 , 11
PHC coverage Number of people seen by PHC teams × 3,000 in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year % 13
Hospitalization for PCSCs Number of hospitalizations for PCSCs in a given location and year Total clinical hospitalizations in the same location and year % 13
Socioeconomic indicators (2006-2015)
Hospitalizations for TB Total hospitalizations for TB in a given location and year Number of TB cases in the same location and year Hospitalizations/100 TB cases 10 , 16
Length of hospital stay Days spent in the hospital for TB in a given location and year Number of hospitalizations for TB in the same location and year Mean number of days 16
Cost of hospitalization for TB Amount spent on hospitalizations for TB in a given location and year Number of days of hospitalization for TB in the same location and year US$/day 16
In-hospital mortality Number of deaths due to TB in a given location and year Number of hospital admissions for TB in the same location and year 100 16
Summary (2008-2015)
TB incidence rate Total new cases of TB (all forms) in a given period, location, and year Resident population in the same location and year Cases/100,000 population 1
TB mortality rate Number of deaths due to TB in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Cases/100,000 population 1 , 41
Density of physicians Number of physicians registered with the CNES in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Physicians/10,000 population 15 , 10
Density of nurses Number of nurses registered with the CNES in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Nurses/10,000 population 15 , 10
Density of pharmacists Number of pharmacists registered with the CNES in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year Pharmacists/10,000 population 15 , 10
PHC coverage Number of people seen by PHC teams × 3,000 in a given location and year Resident population in the same location and year % 13
Hospitalizations for TB Number of hospitalizations for treatment of TB in a given location and year Number of TB cases in the same location and year Admissions/100 TB cases 10 , 15
Cost of hospitalization for TB Amount spent on hospitalizations for TB in a given location and year Number of days of hospitalization for TB in the same location and year US$/day 11
Demographic density Population of the region Area of the region in km2 Population/km2 11
HDI Geometric mean of the income, education, and longevity indices -
Temperature - - °C 12
Relative humidity Actual vapor pressure Saturation vapor pressure at the ambient temperature % 12
Latitude Distance from the Equator Degree

TB: tuberculosis; PTB: pulmonary tuberculosis; SSM: sputum smear microscopy; EPTB: extrapulmonary tuberculosis; DOT: directly observed treatment; PHC: primary health care; PCSCs: primary care-sensitive conditions; CNES: Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde ([Brazilian] National Registry of Health Care Facilities); PHC: primary health care; HDI: Human Development Index.