Figure 7.
Histological evidence for SMN-OPC encapsulated network engraftment along the injury cavity border
(A) Neural ribbon shipped for in vivo delivery.
(B) Schematic of encapsulated SMN-OPC neural network ribbon graft (left) and of neural ribbon transplantation into the hemicontusion injury site (right).
(C) Schematic overview of SMN-OPC cervical hemicontusion grafting experiment (N = 6 animals). Animals were sacrificed 10 days (N = 3) or 6 weeks (N = 3) after transplantation.
(D) Tile scan image of SMN-OPC neural ribbon graft at 6 weeks after transplantation. Merged image is shown with STEM121 (human cytoplasm), GFP-OPCs, and GFAP (reactive gliosis).
(E) Histological evidence for neural ribbon survival and engraftment along the injury cavity border at 6 w. Merged images shown with STEM121, GFP-OPC and Synapsin 1 (SYN1). Individual scale bars are provided. Panel E top left is 500 microns, bottom left is 100 microns (lbot image) and both right side images are 500 microns (bottom right).