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. 2021 Aug 4;25:276. doi: 10.1186/s13054-021-03685-4

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics of COVID-19 patients underwent chest CT

Patients underwent chest CT Numerosity = 23
At arrival The day of CT
ARDS N % N %
Mild 3 11 2 7
Moderate 13 46 23 93
Severe 12 43 0 0
At arrival The day of CT p
Median IQR Median IQR
Days from symptoms onset 11 3 18 14 < 0.01*
Weight [kg] 80 23 90.5 29 < 0.01*
Days of dialysis 0 6
Cumulative fluid balance [mL] 4728 4043
Prone position [hours] 1 30
Muscle Relaxation [hours] 19 15
Spontaneous breathing [days] 15 12
Total The day of CT p
Median IQR Median IQR
Days of invasive mechanical ventilation 7 16 4 11 0.15
Laboratory analysis At arrival The day of CT p
Median IQR Median IQR
C-reactive protein [mg/mL] 200 131 202 209 0.69
Leukocytes [103/mL] 9 3 11 10 0.09
Procalcitonin [ng/mL] 1.10 1.44 1.00 2.30 0.75
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) [pg/mL] 166 167 107 122 0.33
Ferritin [µg/L] 1457 1685 1094 1984 < 0.01*
D-dimer [ng/mL] 1.95 1.63 2.45 3.83 < 0.01*
Creatinine [umol/mL] 89 44 102 133 < 0.01*
Glomerular filtration rate (creatinine) [mL/min/1.73 m2] 64 30 57 57 < 0.01*
P/F ratio [mmHg] 104 75 164 50 < 0.01*
PCO2 [mmHg] 33 9 42 12 < 0.01*
pH 7.48 0.05 7.43 0.15 0.01*
Respiratory rate (breath per minutes) 31 13 23 7 < 0.01*
Respiratory mechanics The day of CT
Median IQR
Highest Vt/kg PBW 6.8 0.9
Highest minute ventilation [L/min] 11.7 3.6
PEEP [cmH2O] 12 4
Lowest static compliance [mL/cmH2O] 38 25
Highest plateau pressure [cmH2O] 14 7
Highest peak pressure [cmH2O] 22 6
Median IQR
Days of noninvasive ventilation (5 out 23 patients) 1.5 2

Data were reported as median values (IQR) or numerosity (%). Wilcoxon rank sum test to detect statistical differences (a = 0.05, * to mark statistical significant differences)