Oncogenic KRAS increases SREBP1: (A) Protein expression for 293T cells transfected with full length (FL) SREBP1 in the presence or absence of increasing amounts of KRASG12V. Protein was harvested 48 hours after transfection and analyzed via western blotting for SREBP1 and loading control, β-ACTIN. B, Densitometry analysis of FL-SREBP1 vs cleaved SREBP1 protein increase from 1a. Blots were analyzed using ImageJ. Values for SREBP1 were normalized to β-ACTIN values. C, Protein expression for SREBP1 in 293T cells transfected with FL-SREBP1 in the presence of either KRASWT or KRASG12V. SREBP1 expression for (D) mRNA and (E) protein in H23 and A549 stably expressing either NTshRNA or shKRAS. N = 3 per group. Bars represent mean ± SD.***P < .001. F, Protein expression for FL-SREBP1 and cleaved SREBP1 in H1437 and H1703 expressing either control vector, or KRASG12V. Proteins were analyzed via western blotting