Fig. 1.
RCan2 and NUAK2 emerge as part of mutant p53 network in a human PDAC cohort. a Oncoprint diagram reports mutation spectrum, fraction genome, overall survival, histology and p53 mutational status in the PDAC cohort from the TCGA PanCancer Atlas. b, c Samples from p53 mutant patients display higher “aneuploidy score”, “genome altered” and “hypoxia score” if compared to the p53 wt cohort. d Kaplan–Meier plot reports overall survival of p53 mutant vs p53 wt PDAC patients from the TCGA PanCancer Atlas. e Volcano plot reports genes differentially regulated between p53 mutant versus p53 wt PDAC patients from the TCGA PanCancer Atlas. f mRNA expression level (from RNA-seq) data of RCAN2 and NUAK2 display differential expression between p53 mutant versus p53 wt PDAC patients (TCGA PanCancer Atlas). g Kaplan–Meier plot reports overall survival of patients with RCan2 and NUAK2 highly expressing PDAC (TCGA PanCancer Atlas).