Figure 5.
NMR-determined HDL subclass profile (A-C) and cholesterol efflux capacity (D) before (baseline) and after an 8-week ingestion of control or saury oil supplement. (A) HDL-Z diameters; (B) overall measure of HDL-P levels; (C) levels of HDL-P fractions (large-, medium-, and small-HDL-P; upper panel) and further separated HDL subfractions by diameter (HDL-P1~7; lower panel); (D) ex vivo cholesterol efflux capacity in J774 cells. HDL-Z: HDL particle size; HDL-P: HDL particle number; HDL-P1~7: HDL subspecies fraction 1~7 based on particle diameter. Data represented as mean ± SD (n = 30). Labeled means without a common letter differ (P <0.05).