Fig. 2.
CentromereArchitect pipeline. As an Input, CentromereArchitect takes the nucleotide sequence Centromere of a centromere (or nucleotide sequences of all centromeres) and a consensus alpha satellite sequence Monomer. CentromereArchitect consists of two modules MonomerGenerator and HORDecomposer. MonomerGenerator constructs the block-graph and extracts each monomer from a connected component of this graph. It further uses the constructed monomer-set to partition the centromere into M-blocks using StringDecomposer. This partitioning transforms centromere into monocentromere. HORDecomposer infers the set of HORs and partitions the monocentromere into these HOR. As an optional input, HORDecomposer can incorporate known HORs in its Output. Finally, HORDecomposer infers superHORs in the resulting HOR decomposition and constructs the HOR-graph. Each connected component of that graph depicts a HOR-component and the vertex with the purple border corresponds to the primary HOR of that HOR-component