Figure 2.
GC‐MS results. Samples from South Africa included 89 confirmed pulmonary active TB patients; 90 non‐TB patients with healthy controls; and 262 room samples.Samples from India included 89 confirmed pulmonary active TB patients; 193 non‐TB patients with healthy controls; and 193 room samples. a) An abundance of toluene, acetic acid, 2‐ethyl‐1‐hexanol, ethyl‐cyclopropane, hexyl butyrate, and octanoic acid among confirmed pulmonary active TB patients, non‐TB patients with healthy controls, and room samples, in both clinical sites. For hexyl butyrate, two extreme outlier points were excluded for the confirmed pulmonary active TB patients. b,c) Representative chromatograms with statistically significant VOCs and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) as a skin‐cleaning component, from South Africa and India, respectively. Inserts include representative chromatograms of relevant VOCs based on total ion count traces. Error bars represent standard errors. Steel method in comparison to the TB group as a posthoc testing α = 0.05 was used.