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. 2021 Jul 23;15(7):e0009577. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009577

Table 1. Data summary.

First author
ACD method Sample Delivery period Personnel Method description Lab- oratory evidence Outcomes Screening accuracy Comparability to outcome measure
Davoodian [30]
Contact tracing One large city Not reported Screening by leprosy nurses from leprosy clinic
Referred for diagnosis at local dermatology centre
Index cases from records one leprosy clinic (1972–2004); skin examination household contacts, education and self-referral neighbours Yes NCDR 21.7/10,000 household, 14.3/10,000 neighbour
National PR <1/10,000
15% with clinical signs confirmed with laboratory evidence Low
De Souza Dias [31]
Community screening, contact tracing 4x100m2 zones in one endemic urban municipality 2 weeks per zone Screening by community and primary healthcare workers
Referred for diagnosis in primary healthcare centre under supervision visiting leprologist
Index cases from national registry (1998–2002) geo-referenced for density mapping; door-to-door screening in high density zones No Baseline local PR 5.4/10,000; 9.4/10,000 in year of campaign of which 50% identified during campaign 20% suspects confirmed Moderate
Ezenduka [20]
Contact tracing, community screening, traditional healers’ incentive 10 randomly selected communities (5 high prevalence [>1/10,000], 5 low prevalence [<1/10,000]) in two northern states 1 year Screening by trained health workers and traditional healers
Referred for diagnosis is leprosy treatment centre by specialists
Three concurrent programs: 1) Skin examination of household contacts; 2) Rapid village survey consisting mass communication and education campaign and skin examination of self-reporting individuals in public area of village; 3) Skin examination and referral by traditional healers No Household contract tracing most cost effective at US$142/case detected, traditional healer incentive US$192/case and rapid survey $313/case; all yielded similar new case numbers Suspect numbers not reported High
Fürst [32]
Contact tracing National 4 years Screening and diagnosis team consisting leprologists from national gov and French non-profit, district and local health workers Traced and re-screened index cases, household contacts and neighbours to 200m radius; screening, diagnosis and MDT commencement same day by mobile team No NCDR higher at household level 25.1/1,000 than neighbour 8.7/1,000
National passive NCDR rate same period 1/10,000
Suspect numbers not reported Low
Ganapati [33]
Community screening Three municipal wards (slums in megacity) 1 month Youth community volunteers (mixed gender) and supervising paramedicals Community-wide screening Yes Campaign PR 4.2/10,000; state PR 6.6/10,000. 2 cases skin smear positive.
US$20/NCD, US$322/skin smear positive
Suspect numbers not reported High
Gillini [34]
Community screening Two high prevalence districts 1 month Screening by trained local volunteers.
Referred for diagnosis at local health centre.
Program supervision two Japanese non-profits and WHO
Door-to-door screening No Campaign NCDR 5.4/10,000 Local PRs two districts 3.5/10,000 and 2.3/10,000
US$534/additional case compared with PCD.
7% and 10% suspects self-confirmed in two districts.
Partial records indicate roughly 50% suspects sought diagnosis
Kumar [35]
Community screening Scheduled Tribe colonies of one district 2 weeks Screening by village health nurses and trained volunteers Door-to-door screening.
Suspects brought to health centre for diagnosis by nurse.
No Campaign community PR 24.6/10,000, pre-campaign community PR 9.8/10,000.
District prevalence rate 0.84/10,000.
34% of confirmed cases reported having noticed their skin lesions.
74% treatment completion one-year post campaign.
21% suspects confirmed Moderate
Mangeard-Lourme [18]
Contact tracing, community screening One district 6 months Leprologist + local health workers; personnel from British non-profit, and trained local health workers. Index cases identified from leprosy register;
contact tracing to household and neighbour levels, community wide screening of Scheduled Castes/Tribes.
Suspects escorted for diagnosis at primary healthcare centre by government medical offer and non-profit team.
Yes PR 37.5/10,000.
Local PR 0.73/10,000; ANCDR 13.94/100,000.
Community screening of Scheduled Castes/Tribes yielded largest number new cases, and members of these groups consisted 59% all NDCs.
90% of diagnosed new cases commenced treatment at six months post campaign.
100% suspects confirmed Moderate
Moura [36]
Contact tracing Two highest prevalence neighbour-hoods in one endemic municipality of megacity 1 month 4 doctors, 6 med students and 1 nurse Index cases invited at treatment centres, household and neighbours of accepting index cases invited to participate;
Household screening. Suspects referred to healthcare centre for diagnosis.
Yes Household NCDR 290/10,000, neighbour NCDR 210/10,000
Local PR 3.5/10,000
24% suspects confirmed Moderate
Pedrosa [19]
Community screening and contact tracing 277 randomly selected public schools in one city 2.5 years Trained leprosy technicians Information and invitation through open seminar, children for whom consent (parents/guardians) obtained received skin examination by trained leprosy technicians at school; suspects and guardians referred to local healthcare centre for diagnosis. Yes School screening PR 11.58/10,000 (participants aged <15 years)
Contact tracing at household and neighbour level NCDR 357/10,000
Local PR 1.1/10,000 total (0.68/10,000 in children).
Grandparents the most common contact (28.6%) identified with current or past leprosy history.
Suspect numbers not reported Moderate
Rao [37]
Community screening Hilly tribal area in one highly endemic state 6 days Trained (1–3 days) healthcare workers, female community workers and other voluntary workers Mobile health team met village leaders for cooperation, then conducted door-to-door information/education and screening. Households given visit card which subsequently collected by confirmation team (medical officer and non-profit staff) who performed diagnosis of suspects. No NCDR 3.9/10,000 compared with 8.6/10,000 in comparable format campaign with 150 day implementation 4% suspects confirmed leprosy High
Schreuder [38]
Community screening Two endemic districts on main island 6 months Mixed gender field workers Rapid village survey (RVS): school + village information/education and voluntary screening of existing patients, their household contacts, suspects identified by village leaders and any additional self-reporting, suspects subsequently diagnosed by medical officer.
Leprosy Elimination Campaign (LEC): information/education and screening of self-reports.
Community based diagnosis on clinical symptoms.
No RVS PR 9.5/10,000, LEC PR 6.4/10,000
Local PR 5/10,000
N/A High
Shetty [39]
Community screening Two areas (one urban, one rural) 5 months + 2 months missed house-holds Two person health worker teams (local, mixed gender) trained (3 day) Door-to-door screening. Consent gained from head of household to enter and from individuals before examination.
Suspects referred to healthcare centre for diagnosis
Yes Campaign PR rural 6.72/10,000, urban 2.61/10,000.
Local PR rural 1.37/10,000, local PR urban 0.9/10,000
80% rural suspects self-reported, 70% urban suspects.
100% of rural suspects diagnosed, 97% of urban suspects
Tiendrebéogo [40]
Community screening Villages with populations over 1,000 in one health district 2 months 1 doctor, 2 nurses) Passive and active CD implemented concurrently in randomly selected villages (similar sample size). Passive method: information/education by local nurse, referral of suspects/self-reports to local healthcare centre for examination, then to district healthcare centre for diagnosis by leprosy nurse. Active method: information/education by mobile team (1 doctor, 2 nurses), examination and diagnosis on site. No ACD 4.3/10,000, US$72/NCD. PCD (1 year) 1.5/10,000, US$36/NCD.
National PR 1.37–2.11/10,000
Not reported High
Utap [41]
Community screening Three highest prevalence Penan (ethnic minority) settlements 3x1 month Doctor, medical officers, lab technician with previous health service visits to target communities Community wide screening. Confirmed cases re-traced by medical officers. Yes NCDR 720/10,000 (n = 6/83)
Penans PR 5.5/10,000, rest of population PR 0.07/10,000
Not reported Moderate