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. 2021 Aug 4;16(8):e0255683. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255683

Table 2. Logistic regression models.

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
SocioDemographic Health-Related Community Intrapersonal Global
Regression Models R2 = 0.355 R2 = 0.266 R2 = 0.345 R2 = 0.0624 R2 = 0.424
(72/84%) (67/65%) (85/71%) (49/57%) (77.5/86%)
Sociodemographic Gender (ref. Male) 2.0023** NA NA NA 1.425**
(1.507, 2.660) (1.011, 2.008)
Age (in yrs) (ref. 21–35)
36–50 0.410** NA NA NA 0.679*
(0.289, 0.581) (0.467, 0.987)
51–65 1.002 NA NA NA NA
(0.68, 1.478)
> 65 0.945 NA NA NA NA
(0.541, 1.648)
Marital Status (ref. Not Married) 1.159 NA NA NA NA
Family Structure (ref single)
Nuclear 0.23** NA NA NA 1.311
(0.151, 0.351) (0.639, 2.689)
Joint 2.089** NA NA NA 1.442
(1.228, 3.554) (0.828, 2.513)
Education Level (ref <Graduation) 1.137 NA NA NA NA
(0.776, 1.667)
Occupational Status (ref. Work From Home)
Working on site 2.428** NA NA NA 1.592**
(1.713, 3.441) (1.131, 2.241)
Not Working 1.367 NA NA NA NA
(0.959, 1.949)
No. of Dependents (ref Zero)
1 2.38** NA NA NA 0.976
(1.777, 3.187) (0.646, 1.472)
2 0.757 NA NA NA NA
(0.439, 1.305)
> 2 0.794 NA NA NA NA
(0.515, 1.225)
Health-Related Pre-existing medical conditions (ref Unknown)
Yes NA 2.445** NA NA 1.682*
(1.779, 3.360) (1.056, 2.680)
No NA 0.813 NA NA 1.407
(0.525, 1.258) (0.743, 2.664)
Health Insurance (ref. Unsure)
Yes NA 0.791 NA NA NA
(0.579, 1.081)
No NA 3.500** NA NA 1.884*
(1.722, 7.111) (1.105, 3.214)
Perceived seriousness of COVID-19 NA 1.104 NA NA 1.239*
(0.926, 1.316) (1.013, 1.515)
Community Lack of Trust in Government NA NA 1.497 NA 1.246*
(1.285, 1.745) (1.02, 1.521)
Social Support NA NA 0.39** NA 0.646*
(0.33, 0.45) (0.435, 0.961)
Dissatisfaction with fulfillment of basic needs NA NA 3.235** NA 1.592*
(2.497, 4.190) (1.004, 2.524)
Intrapersonal Psychological capital NA NA NA 0.689** 0.467*
(0.623, 0.761) (0.312, 0.698)

* p < 0.1;

** p < 0.05;

NA: Not Applicable

R2 = Model explained variance (sensitivity / specificity)

OR(95% CI): Odds Ratio (Confidence Interval at the 95% level).