Fig. 4. Correlations between genetic differentiation and geographical distance in H. cydno subspecies.
Point plots show the correlation of pairwise genetic differentiation and geographical distance in H. cydno subspecies. The distribution center of each H. cydno subspecies was measured as the geographic midpoint of sampled individuals, and pairwise geodesic distances between H. cydno subspecies were calculated. FST for specific loci, L (A) and two wing patterning loci Yb (C) and Br (D), and genome-wide FST (B) are plotted against geographical distances. FST of loci L and Yb are significantly and positively correlated with distances, as well as the genome-wide mean FST. The differentiation of L shows the strongest evidence for differentiation by distance with a slope eightfold greater than the genome-wide mean FST and twofold greater than FST of Yb in the linear fitting. **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05.