Figure 1. Schematic of how asymptomatic exposure status was ascertained for one participant’s follow-up.
The method treated each monthly follow-up visit as a new study entry for the participant (denoted by circles), recalculating the time to symptomatic malaria (denoted by X) using the monthly follow-up visit date as the origin. The exposure status for each monthly follow-up visit became the exposure status for the follow-up period (denoted by the horizontal line). The follow-up period ended if the participant had a symptomatic infection (X) or was censored due to the study ending or becoming lost to follow-up (denoted by squares). Illustrated here is one hypothetical participant’s follow-up during 29 months, during which they contributed follow-up periods after being uninfected (green lines) and after having asymptomatic infections (orange lines), and suffered one episode of symptomatic malaria (denoted by X), before being censored at the close of follow-up (denoted by squares). As a result, each participant contributes multiple entries to each model equal to the number of exposure assessments, and models include a random effect at the level of the participant to account for repeated observations.