Figure 1. Nanopore-based assemblies are highly contiguous and complete.
(A,B) Assembly contiguity is compared to the D. melanogaster v6.22 reference genome (blue) as well as five recently published, highly contiguous Illumina assemblies (red lines, D. birchii, D. bocki, D. bunnanda, D. kanapiae, D. truncata; Bronski et al., 2020). (A) Nx curves, or the (y-axis) size of each contig when contigs are sorted in descending size order, in relation to the (x-axis) cumulative proportion of the genome assembly that is covered. (B) The distribution of contig N50, the size of the contig at which 50% of the assembly is covered. (C) Assembly completeness assessed by BUSCO v4.0.6 (Seppey et al., 2019). Note, D. equinoxialis was evaluated with BUSCO v4.1.4 due to an issue with v4.0.6. L. stackelbergi has >10% missing BUSCOs. Individual assembly summary statistics are provided in Supplementary file 2.