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. 2021 Jul 6;10:e66590. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66590

Appendix 1—table 1. Test for stationarity of k(t,i) within the coherent Li-Lee mortality projections, for all-cause mortality and non-lifestyle-attributable mortality in which French, Italian, and Spanish women are selected as the forerunner populations, for the 18 European countries, by sex.

All-cause mortality Non-lifestyle-attributable mortality
Men Women Men Women
Austria 1 1 1 1
Belgium 1 1 1 1
Czech Republic 1 1 1 1
Denmark 1 1 1 1
Finland 1 1 1 1
France 0 1 1 1
Germany 1 1 1 0
Greece 1 1 1 1
Hungary 2 1 1 1
Ireland 1 1 1 1
Italy 1 0 1 0
Netherlands 1 1 1 0
Norway 1 1 1 1
Poland 1 1 1 1
Slovenia 2 1 1 1
Sweden 1 1 1 1
Switzerland 1 1 1 1
United Kingdom 1 1 1 1

0 = stationary time series; i.e., the time series does not exhibit a trend.

1 or 2 = non-stationary time series.