Figure 2. Infarcts and WMHs.
(A) Pie chart displaying percentage of DLB patients with only cortical infarcts (in red), only subcortical infarcts (in green), or both cortical and subcortical infarcts (in blue). (B) Histogram displaying the distribution of the six WMH volume categories (bars) colored by WMH burden (mild, moderate, and severe), as follows: WMHs 1 to 7 cm3 large (first volume category), 8 to 17 cm3 large (second volume category), 18 to 23 cm3 large (third volume category), 24 to 35 cm3 large (fourth volume category), 36 to 47 cm3 large (fifth volume category), and 48 cm3 or larger (sixth volume category) (please see also Figure 1). Abbreviations: WMHs = white matter hyperintensities.