Figure 3.
BH3 mimetic enhances the effects of CDDP through the intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. A, Stable DKD of Bax and Bak (shBax/Bak) or scrambled control (shCTL) were generated in FLO-1 and OE33 cells by transfecting shRNA lentiviruses. The protein levels of Bax and Bak expression were analyzed by Western blot analysis. B, Heatmap shows DBP in FLO-1 and OE33 cells treated with or without S63845 for 24 hours. C, FLO-1 cells were pretreated with S63845 for 24 hours; the apoptotic ratio in DKD and shCTL cells at 48 hours after treatment with CDDP measured by annexin V flow cytometry; cells positive for annexin V staining were counted as apoptotic cells (**, P < 0.01 for treatment vs. DMSO; ##, P < 0.01 for combination treatment vs. S63845 single treatment). D, Stable knockdown of Mcl-1 (shMcl-1), Bcl-xL (shBcl-xL) or scrambled control (shCTL) were generated by transfecting shRNA lentiviruses. The protein levels of Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL expression were analyzed by Western blot analysis. E, Heatmap shows DBP in shMcl-1, shBcl-xL, or shCTL FLO-1 cells. F, The IC50 values of CDDP with shMcl-1 or shCTL FLO-1 cells are determined. G, The apoptotic ratio in shMcl-1, shBcl-xL, or shCTL FLO-1 cells after treatment with CDDP for 48 hours, measured by annexin V flow cytometry; cells positive for annexin V staining were counted as apoptotic cells. H, The IC50 values of CDDP with shMcl-1 or shCTL H28 cells are determined. I, The apoptotic ratio in shMcl-1, shBcl-xL, or shCTL H28 cells after treatment with CDDP for 48 hours, measured by annexin V flow cytometry; cells positive for annexin V staining were counted as apoptotic cells. (**, P < 0.01 for CDDP versus DMSO; ##, P < 0.01 for shMcl-1, shBcl-xL vs. scrambled control).