SiteID |
Identifying number given to each lake or set of lakes whose data were managed by the same group |
LakeID |
Identifying number given to each lake. This ID is unique to each lake, and can be used as a primary key to link the SiteInformation table to the data in the TempProfiles tables |
LakeName |
Name (most common) by which lake is known |
AlternateLakeName |
Alternate names by which lake is known (if relevant) |
LakeOrReservoir |
Defines if body of water is identified as a natural lake or human-made reservoir |
CountryOfLake |
Country in which lake can be found |
Region |
Geographical region in which lake can be found |
Latitude |
Latitude of lake/approximate sampling site |
Longitude |
Longitude of lake/approximate sampling site |
Elevation_m |
Elevation of lake above sea level in meters |
SurfaceArea_km2 |
Surface area of lake in square kilometers |
Volume_km3 |
Volume of lake in cubic kilometers |
MaxDepth_m |
Maximum depth of lake in meters |
MeanDepth_m |
Mean depth of lake in meters |
Secchi_m |
Average Secchi depth of lake in meters (representative of recent years) |
Chlorophyll_ug_L |
Average chlorophyll concentration of lake in micrograms per liter (representative of epilimnion/surface waters in recent years) |
TotalPhosphorus_ug_L |
Average total phosphorus concentration of lake in micrograms per liter (representative of epilimnion/surface waters in recent years) |
DissolvedOrganicCarbon_mg_L |
Average dissolved organic carbon concentration of lake in milligrams per liter (representative of epilimnion/surface waters in recent years) |
Contributor |
Name(s) of data set contributor(s). If more than one main data contributor, names are separated by semicolons |
ContributorContact |
Contact (e-mail) of data set contributor(s). If more than one main data contributor, e-mails are separated by semicolons |
ContributorInstitution |
Institution(s) with which contributor(s) are associated. If more than one main data contributor, institutions are separated by semicolons |