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. 2021 Aug 4;8:200. doi: 10.1038/s41597-021-00983-y

Online-only Table 1.

Column names and descriptions of site metadata file (“SiteInformation.csv”).

Header Description
SiteID Identifying number given to each lake or set of lakes whose data were managed by the same group
LakeID Identifying number given to each lake. This ID is unique to each lake, and can be used as a primary key to link the SiteInformation table to the data in the TempProfiles tables
LakeName Name (most common) by which lake is known
AlternateLakeName Alternate names by which lake is known (if relevant)
LakeOrReservoir Defines if body of water is identified as a natural lake or human-made reservoir
CountryOfLake Country in which lake can be found
Region Geographical region in which lake can be found
Latitude Latitude of lake/approximate sampling site
Longitude Longitude of lake/approximate sampling site
Elevation_m Elevation of lake above sea level in meters
SurfaceArea_km2 Surface area of lake in square kilometers
Volume_km3 Volume of lake in cubic kilometers
MaxDepth_m Maximum depth of lake in meters
MeanDepth_m Mean depth of lake in meters
Secchi_m Average Secchi depth of lake in meters (representative of recent years)
Chlorophyll_ug_L Average chlorophyll concentration of lake in micrograms per liter (representative of epilimnion/surface waters in recent years)
TotalPhosphorus_ug_L Average total phosphorus concentration of lake in micrograms per liter (representative of epilimnion/surface waters in recent years)
DissolvedOrganicCarbon_mg_L Average dissolved organic carbon concentration of lake in milligrams per liter (representative of epilimnion/surface waters in recent years)
Contributor Name(s) of data set contributor(s). If more than one main data contributor, names are separated by semicolons
ContributorContact Contact (e-mail) of data set contributor(s). If more than one main data contributor, e-mails are separated by semicolons
ContributorInstitution Institution(s) with which contributor(s) are associated. If more than one main data contributor, institutions are separated by semicolons