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. 2021 Aug 5;24(11):1570–1577. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2021.05.023

Table 1.

Conditions in the COVID-19 DICE simulation.

Name Initial level for GSTT Description
 Date StartDate Current date in simulation
 StartDay changing Starting day selected for each patient
 AdmitTo changing Admission location (1 = CC, 2 = L1) for each patient
 DischDest changing Destination for each live discharge
 TimeHorizon 100 User-specified number of days to run simulation
 StartDate March 23, 2020 User-specified calendar date for start of simulation
 pEDtoL1 0.96 Probability of transfer from ED to L
 pL1toCC 0.22 Probability of transfer from L1 to CC
 pDieCC 0.3 Fraction of patients who will die in CC
 pSurvL1 0.85 Fraction of patients who will die in L1
 pRRT 0.3 Fraction of patients in CC who require RRT
 pHome 0.15 Cumulative proportion of discharges home
 pHomewCare 0.575 Cumulative proportion of discharges home with care
 pCommBed 0.9575 Cumulative proportion of discharges to community care bed
 pCareHome 0.9915 Cumulative proportion of discharges to care home
 BetaWillGoCC 1 Beta parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 before transfer to CC
 LambdaWillGoCC 0.69314718 Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 before transfer to CC
 BetaL1 1.4150375 Beta parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 only
 LambdaL1 0.31889391 Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 only
 BetaDieCC 1 Beta parameter for Weibull LOS before death in CC
 LambdaDieCC 0.11552453 Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS before death in CC
 BetaLiveCC 1 Beta parameter for Weibull LOS in CC before transfer to L1
 LambdaLiveCC 0.1732868 Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS in CC before transfer to L1
 BetaL1post 0.77760758 Beta parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 after transfer from CC
 LambdaL1post 0.05675878 Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 after transfer from CC
Model control
 NextEventTime 0 System, stores the time of the next event
 NextEvent 1 System, stores the index number of the next event
 Time 0 System, the current model time, in days
 WillGoCC Changing Flag indicating whether patient will transfer from L1 to CC
 WillDieCC Changing Flag indicating whether patient will die in CC
 DieInL1 Changing Flag indicating whether patient will die in L1

Dynamic conditions may change value during the simulation; static conditions retain their initial value during an iteration, but these may change for scenarios and uncertainty analyses (random number conditions not listed).

CC indicates critical care; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; DICE, discretely integrated condition event; ED, emergency department; GSTT, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust; L1, Level 1; LOS, length of stay.

Source: GSTT provided the initial values for their location.