Table 1.
Name | Initial level for GSTT | Description |
Dynamic | ||
Date | StartDate | Current date in simulation |
StartDay | changing | Starting day selected for each patient |
AdmitTo | changing | Admission location (1 = CC, 2 = L1) for each patient |
DischDest | changing | Destination for each live discharge |
Static | ||
TimeHorizon | 100 | User-specified number of days to run simulation |
StartDate | March 23, 2020 | User-specified calendar date for start of simulation |
pEDtoL1 | 0.96∗ | Probability of transfer from ED to L |
pL1toCC | 0.22∗ | Probability of transfer from L1 to CC |
pDieCC | 0.3∗ | Fraction of patients who will die in CC |
pSurvL1 | 0.85∗ | Fraction of patients who will die in L1 |
pRRT | 0.3∗ | Fraction of patients in CC who require RRT |
pHome | 0.15∗ | Cumulative proportion of discharges home |
pHomewCare | 0.575∗ | Cumulative proportion of discharges home with care |
pCommBed | 0.9575∗ | Cumulative proportion of discharges to community care bed |
pCareHome | 0.9915∗ | Cumulative proportion of discharges to care home |
BetaWillGoCC | 1 | Beta parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 before transfer to CC |
LambdaWillGoCC | 0.69314718 | Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 before transfer to CC |
BetaL1 | 1.4150375 | Beta parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 only |
LambdaL1 | 0.31889391 | Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 only |
BetaDieCC | 1 | Beta parameter for Weibull LOS before death in CC |
LambdaDieCC | 0.11552453 | Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS before death in CC |
BetaLiveCC | 1 | Beta parameter for Weibull LOS in CC before transfer to L1 |
LambdaLiveCC | 0.1732868 | Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS in CC before transfer to L1 |
BetaL1post | 0.77760758 | Beta parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 after transfer from CC |
LambdaL1post | 0.05675878 | Lambda parameter for Weibull LOS in L1 after transfer from CC |
Model control | ||
NextEventTime | 0 | System, stores the time of the next event |
NextEvent | 1 | System, stores the index number of the next event |
Time | 0 | System, the current model time, in days |
WillGoCC | Changing | Flag indicating whether patient will transfer from L1 to CC |
WillDieCC | Changing | Flag indicating whether patient will die in CC |
DieInL1 | Changing | Flag indicating whether patient will die in L1 |
Dynamic conditions may change value during the simulation; static conditions retain their initial value during an iteration, but these may change for scenarios and uncertainty analyses (random number conditions not listed).
CC indicates critical care; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; DICE, discretely integrated condition event; ED, emergency department; GSTT, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust; L1, Level 1; LOS, length of stay.
Source: GSTT provided the initial values for their location.