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. 2021 Jul 22;12:707757. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.707757


Effect of temperature and feed restriction on organ weight of Cobb 500 male broiler chickens on day 42.1

Treatments2 Organ weight (% body weight)

Liver Abdominal fat3
CTL 1.75b 1.02ab
PF 1.94a 0.96b
Pre-CHS 1.75b 1.14a
Post-CHS 1.44c  1.04ab
AHS 1.53c 0.96b
SEM4 0.05 0.05
P-value5 <0.001  0.048

acIn each column, means with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).

1Data represent the mean value of eight replicate pens of three birds/pen (n = 8).

2Treatments include: (1) control (CTL): birds raised under normal temperature (23°C) from day 29 to 42 and had free access to the diet; (2) acute heat stress (AHS): birds from CTL group after a 2 h heat exposure on day 42 (35°C); (3 and 4) cyclic heat stress (CHS): birds exposed to high temperatures (8 h/day at 35°C; from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm) from day 29 to 42 and sampled before the start (Pre-CHS) or 2 h after the start of CHS (Post-CHS) on day 42; (5) pair-fed (PF): birds raised under the same temperature as CTL group, but fed the same amount of feed as CHS group from day 29 to 42.

3Fat surrounding gizzard, proventriculus, bursa of fabricius, cloaca, and adjacent muscles.

4SEM: pooled standard error of means.

5P-value: based on one-way ANOVA.