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. 2021 Jul 22;9:714687. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.714687


Comparison of single-cell epigenomic methods.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Methods for Single-cell DNA Methylation
scRBBS-seq High coverage of the CpG islands Low coverage of genome-wide sparse CpGs
scPBAT High genome-wide CpG coverage; Low input requirement Adaptor ligation bias
scCGI-seq High coverage and consistency in CpG islands profiling Low coverage of genome-wide sparse CpGs, Low-throughput
sci-MET High-throughput and high alignment efficiency Low coverage per cell
Methods for Single-cell Chromatin Accessibility
sci-ATAC-seq High-throughput Low coverage per cell
scATAC-seq (droplet-based) High coverage of reads (in comparison with sci-ATAC-seq) Low-throughput
scDNase-seq High-sequencing resolution Low throughput and mapping efficiency
Methods for Single-cell Histone Modifications
scCHIP-seq High-throughput Low coverage per cell
scDam-ID No target-specific antibody required, suitable for identification of loose or indirect associations Resolution limited by the frequency of methylation sites
scChIC-seq High number of obtained unique reads per cell Low throughput
scCUT&TAG Cost-effective, High-throughput Low number of unique reads
CoBATCH High throughput, High number of obtained unique reads with low background Unsuitable for repressive marks detection; non-specific cleavage of accessible regions
ACT-seq High throughput, Simple workflow Low number of unique reads; non-specific cleavage of accessible regions
scCHIL-seq Low background Time-consuming and complex workflow
Methods for Single-cell Nuclear Organization
scHi-C High coverage per cell Low-throughput
sciHi-C High-throughput Low depth per cell
Methods for Single-cell Multi-omics
scM&T-seq High genome-wide CpG coverage Medium throughput
scMT-seq High coverage of the CpG islands Low throughput, Low coverage of genome-wide sparse CpGs
scCOOL-seq High coverage of the CpG islands and promoter regions Low GCH coverage, high sequencing depth needed
iscCOOL-seq Improved throughput and mapping efficiency Low GCH coverage, high sequencing depth needed
scNMT-seq Medium throughput Low coverage of genome-wide CpGs
Methyl-HiC Able to identify cell-type specific chromatin interactions Low-throughput
sn-m3C-seq Higher mapping efficiency than scNMT; cell-cell differences in chromatin conformation are hard to detect Low throughput