Time from 911 call to EMS dispatch (minutes) |
0.5 |
Time from EMS dispatch to start of ambulance transit (minutes) |
3 |
Ambulance velocity (km/h) |
70 |
Ambulance availability (due to other calls, maintenance, etc.) |
76% |
Time from EMS arrival until start of treatment (minutes) |
1 |
Mobile responder density (responders per sq km in system) |
5 |
Mobile responder dispatch time from 911 call (minutes) |
1 |
Mobile responder time from alert to begin walk transit (minutes) |
0.75 |
Mobile responder time from alert to begin driving transit (minutes) |
1 |
Mobile responder walking velocity (km/h) |
7 |
Mobile responder driving velocity (km/h) |
32 |
Mobile responder reliability (likelihood of acting upon alert) |
0.3 |
AED reliability (likelihood AED is in a fully functional state) |
0.99 |
Time from mobile responder arrival until start of treatment (minutes) |
1 |
Time from 911 call to drone dispatch (minutes) |
1 |
Drone vertical flight time (minutes) |
0.5 |
Drone velocity (km/h) |
80 |
Drone descent and AED deployment time (minutes) |
1 |
Drone operational availability (due to other calls, maintenance, etc.) |
96% |
Drone weather availability |
90% |
Time from drone arrival until start of treatment (minutes) |
1 |