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. 2021 Aug 5;20:78. doi: 10.1186/s12938-021-00906-3

Table 2.

Comparison of evaluation indexes of VGG19, Inception-v3, Resnet50, Mobilenet, Xception and ACCV

Method Acc Sensitivity Specificity Pre F1
ACCV 0.9400 0.9200 0.9600 0.9580 0.9388
Mobilenet 0.8800 0.8200 0.9400 0.9318 0.8723
VGG-19 0.8700 0.7600 0.9800 0.9744 0.8539
Inception-v3 0.8100 0.6600 0.9600 0.9429 0.7765
ResNet-50 0.8600 0.8000 0.9200 0.9091 0.8511
Xception 0.8600 0.8200 0.9000 0.8943 0.8542