Fig. 8. The best fits of the parts of spectra of Betelgeuse in 7750–7800 Å range for four represented supergiant stars.
Relative flux is calculated as a ratio of the flux at a particular wavelength (Fλ) to the flux in continuum (Fc). The solid black line is a theoretical profile calculated with the particular Teff obtained in this study. The observed spectra are shown by brown dots. The name of the star and its Teff are presented on each panel. a The best-fit for the coolest star in our sample, α Her, with effective temperature (Teff) 3440 K. b The best-fit for VX Sgr with Teff = 3533 K. c The best-fit for HD 217906 with Teff = 3621 K. d The best-fit for HD 146051 with Teff = 3729 K. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.