Figure 3.
Beta coefficients of 68 multiple linear regression models investigating the relation of each positive and destructive stress-reducing activity score during the last month on distress and somatization scores. Beta correlation coefficients from 68 multiple linear regression models (34 with distress as a dependent variable and 34 with somatization as a dependent variable). Models with distress as the dependent variable were controlled for sex, married, providing covid-19 care, education: undergraduate level. Models with somatization as the dependent variable were controlled for sex, married, providing covid-19 care, education: undergraduate level, place of work: residential care. The somatization score was transformed using a natural log-transformation because of heteroscedasticity. The maximum p-values designated as “significant” by Holm's Sequential Bonferroni Procedure in distress and somatization models were 0.002024 and 0.000991, respectively. NS, not significant.