Table A2.
Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES)
Item category | Checklist item | Description |
Design | Survey design | Information on the survey design, sampling frame, and analytical sample can be found in the Methods section. |
Ethics | Ethics approval | Human ethics approval (Application ID 0000029123) was granted as a Category B study (low risk) by the Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee. |
Informed consent | Informed consent was provided on the introduction screen of the survey. Respondents were informed the survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and the reasons for the study. The respondents were provided information on who the research team was, that we did not have access to information that would identify them, and the name, email, and contact phone number for the Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee convenor should they have concerns. | |
Data protection | There is no identifying information stored with the data nor available to the study team, such as names, birthdates, or IP addresses. The anonymised data are only accessible to the Life in Lockdown research team. | |
Development and pre-testing | Development and testing | The survey was developed by the Life in Lockdown team. The programming and scripting was conducted by Colmar Brunton. Testing of the usability and technical functionality of the electronic questionnaire was performed by both the Life in Lockdown research team and Colmar Brunton before fielding the questionnaire. |
Recruitment process | Open survey versus closed survey | The survey was closed and only accessible by email invite with a unique survey link. |
Contact mode | Potential participants were contacted directly via email. | |
Advertising the survey | There was no advertising of the survey. | |
Survey administration | Web/E-mail | Survey links were sent directly via email to potential participants. Participants were part of a large existing social marketing sampling frame. See the Methods section for more information on the sampling frame and how participants were selected. |
Context | See the Methods section for more information on the sampling frame. See the Discussion section for information on potential bias within the sample. | |
Mandatory/voluntary | Voluntary. | |
Incentives | Survey respondents were offered 10 Fly Buys points for participating in the survey. Fly Buys is a large reward-based business loyalty system in New Zealand, covering many large businesses. | |
Time/Date | Data for Wave 3 were collected in March 2021. Data from Wave 1 and Wave 2 were collected in April 2020 and July 2020, respectively. | |
Randomisation of items or questionnaires | Not performed. | |
Adaptive questioning | Adaptive questioning was used in multiple instances, including around work circumstances, household structure, and family wellbeing. | |
Number of items | The Wave 3 survey had 48 items. This, however, includes skip patterns and no respondent would have answered all 48 items. The median survey completion time was 10 minutes. | |
Number of screens (pages) | Information not accessible. | |
Response rates | Unique site visitor | Information not accessible. |
View rate | Information not accessible. | |
Participation rate | Information not accessible. See footnote i for a discussion on participation and response rates. | |
Completion rate | 100% | |
Preventing multiple entries from the same individual | Cookies used | Not used. |
IP check | Not used. | |
Log file analysis | Not used. | |
Registration | Participants were emailed with a unique survey link that could only be accessed from their personal email account and valid once. | |
Analysis | Handling of incomplete questionnaires | There were no incomplete questionnaires, although there was some missingness on item-level responses. Multiple imputation was conducted on the small amount of missing analytical data, with models estimated across the 100 imputed datasets. |
Questionnaires submitted with an atypical timestamp | Two questionnaire responses who completed the survey in a time frame deemed impossible (i.e., less than three minutes) were discarded. | |
Statistical correction | Weights were constructed to adjust the sample to the New Zealand adult population proportions on age, gender, income, region, and household structure. |