Figure 7.
DdbA is not involved in the RB to EB replication check point. The EB cell type index of replication suggests a DNA replication initiation checkpoint is a component of the chlamydial developmental cycle. The index of replication was determined using the iRep script which calculates the sequence read bias at the origin of replication as compared to the terminus. The iRep index for L2 wt RBs was temperature dependent; RBs grown at 35°C had an iRep index of 1.57, at 37°C an index of 1.66 and at 40°C an index of 1.70. These differences were statistically significant with p < 0.001. The iRep index for L2 wt EBs was much lower and showed no temperature dependent changes (1.35, 1.33, and 1.34 respectively). The ddbAts mutant showed the same significant difference in the iRep between the RB cell type and EB cell types (1.63 and 1.33). This difference was also evident at the nonpermissive temperature (RB = 1.56 and EB = 1.36). *p < 0.001. NS, not significant.