Trial profile
All participants with at least one follow-up timepoint SPADI outcome and the baseline variables used in the model were included in the primary outcome analysis. GRASP=Getting it Right: Addressing Shoulder Pain. SPADI=Shoulder Pain and Disability Index. *Reasons for not receiving best practice advice were participant did not attend session (n=5), withdrawal (n=4), or other medical condition (n=3). †Reasons for not receiving injection only were participant declined treatment (n=2) or contraindicated (n=1 taking anticoagulants and n=1 previous reaction to injection). ‡Reasons for not receiving best practice advice only were participant did not attend session (n=5), other medical condition (n=2), received progressive exercise in error (n=3). §Reasons for not receiving injection and best practice advice were participant did not attend session (n=1), participant declined treatment (n=2), other medical condition (n=2), or previous reaction to injection and received non-GRASP treatment (n=1). ¶Reasons for not receiving progressive exercise were participant did not attend session (n=3), received best practice advice in error (n=2), received injection in error (n=1), received non-GRASP treatment (n=1), or withdrawal (n=1). ||Reasons for not receiving injection only were participant declined treatment (n=5) or clinician declined treatment (n=3). **Reasons for not receiving progressive exercise only were received best practice advice in error (n=2), received non-GRASP treatment (n=3), other medical condition (n=1), or participant did not attend session (n=1). ††Reasons for not receiving injection and progressive exercise were participant did not attend session (n=2) or other medical condition (n=1).