Motor cortex injection of AAV-flex-ChRimson-tdTomato. (A) Schematic representation of right motor cortex viral injection. (B) Representative coronal section of an acute slice of the injection site (200 μm thick), with bright field (gray) and tdTomato expressing neurons (red). The Allen brain atlas coronal table superimposed for reference indicates the correct targeting of the motor cortex. Scale bar: 1 mm. The image of the injection site showing no evidence of ChRimson-tdTomato deposit or spillover in the striatum and/or other subcortical structures. (C) High magnification confocal image of the injection site showing tdTomato expressing neurons. Right panel: high magnification of dashed square in the left panel. Scale bars: 100 and 50 μm. (D) Allen Brain reference coronal section at +0.445 mm from Bregma. Red dashed squares indicate the regions imaged in the panels below. (E) Representative image of the contralateral motor cortex. (F) Representative image of white matter infiltrating axons in correspondence to the injection site. (G) Representative image of dorsal motor striatum with thick axons of passage in the upper striae and terminal field axonal arborization in the striatal parenchyma. (H) Representative image of lateral motor striatum VIP axons. Scale bars: 1 mm. Insets indicate axonal branches and the red arrowheads boutons. Inset size 190 μm. ACA, anterior cingulate cortex; MC, motor cortex; SS, somatosensory cortex; PIR, piriform cortex; STR, striatum; CP, caudoputamen; ACB, nucleus accumbens; LS, lateral septal nucleus; MS, medial septal nucleus; dSTR, dorsal striatum; lSTR, lateral striatum.