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. 2021 Jul 23;12:659302. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.659302


Depth of SPM sampling and hydrological properties in the water column in the center of the western gyre of the Black Sea at sampling station PHOX2 in March 2013 and station 64PE418-4 in June 2017.

Year Redox zone Depth (mbsl) O2 (μ mol kg–1) HS (μ M) NO3 (μ mol L–1) Salinity Density
2013 Oxic 50 121 <DL 1.3 19.4 14.9
70 2.2 <DL 2.5 20.1 15.7
Suboxic 80 <DL <DL 2.5 20.4 15.9
85 <DL <DL 0.3 20.5 16.0
90 <DL <DL 0.04 20.6 16.0
95 <DL <DL 0.04 20.8 16.1
100 <DL <DL 0.03 20.9 16.1
105 <DL <DL 0.03 20.9 16.2
110 <DL 4.6 0.03 20.9 16.2

Euxinic 130 <DL 15 <DL 21.1 16.4
170 <DL 32 <DL 21.4 16.6
250 <DL 85 <DL 21.7 16.8
500 <DL 206 <DL 22.1 17.0
1000 <DL 354 <DL 22.3 17.2
2000 <DL 397 <DL 22.3 17.2

2017 Oxic 50 170 <DL 2.8 19.3 15.0
55 115 <DL 3.6 19.5 15.1
60 43 <DL 4.7 19.7 15.3
70 5.9 <DL 3.0 20.2 15.6

Suboxic 90 <DL <DL 0.06 20.7 16.0

Euxinic 130 <DL <DL <DL 21.2 16.4
500 <DL 7.2 <DL 22.1 17.0
1000 <DL 114 <DL 22.3 17.2
1500 <DL 165 <DL 22.3 17.2
2000 <DL 208 <DL 22.3 17.2

mbsl, meter below sea level. HS measurements taken in 2017 have been deemed unreliable as they are lower than those in 2013, possibly due to Niskin bottle leakage. Hence the redox zones for the 2017 depths were determined based on the similarity in the oxygen, nitrate, salinity, and density values between 2013 and 2017. DL, detection limit. For list of detection limits see Sollai et al. (2018).